

考虑以下 MWE - 假设它被称为test.tex

\batchmode %
\ifx\article\undefined %
  \documentclass[12pt,journal,onecolumn,twoside,draftcls,letterpaper]{IEEEtran} %
\else %
  \documentclass{article} %

\usepackage{xcolor} % \pagecolor

\lipsum[1-6] HERE1

\caption{Demo figure One}

\lipsum[7-9] HERE2

\caption{Demo figure Two}


\errorstopmode % if in batchmode, this will allow print of just the number of output pages and such


for ix in "article" "ieeetran" ; do \
  cmd="pdflatex -jobname test-$ix \"\def\\$ix{}\input{test.tex}\""; \
  echo "$cmd" ; \
  eval "$cmd" ; \


pdflatex -jobname test-article "\def\article{}\input{test.tex}"
pdflatex -jobname test-ieeetran "\def\ieeetran{}\input{test.tex}"

这将生成两个 pdf - 内容从第 2 页到第 5 页如下所示(单击可查看完整尺寸):

  •  test-article.pdf测试文章.png
  • test-ieeetran.pdf测试-ieeetran.png



但对于test-article.pdf,这并没有发生,并且浮动一个接一个地排列;显然,这是因为中间的文本\lipsum[7-9]完全适合同一页(2);因此算法将遇到两个都浮动在同一页上(因为当遇到它们时,它会将它们推迟到以后,并继续排​​版文本);将它们都安排到下一页(3);并且由于它们无法同时放在第 3 页上,它会将 fig:two 推送到下页(4)。我认为正因为如此(浮动在同一页上),当我在这种情况下尝试这些技巧时,它们都不起作用\afterpage{\clearpage}\FloatBarrier

因此,为了使问题保持​​一般性:有没有办法安排浮动元素稍后出现在特定页面上 - 无论当前文档类是否将它们视为在同一页面上?


好吧,最终我确实希望得到一个博学的答案 - 但就目前而言,我确实在某种程度上解决了 OP 中的具体案例;所以我想我会发布,以提醒人们这可能会变得多么复杂:)。现在两个文档类都在 pg3 上显示 fig:one,在 pg5 上显示 fig:two,否则文本会在两者之间流动;特别是test-article现在是按要求的,如下所示:


代码如下 - 我希望我可以解释它是如何工作的,但我自己也感到困惑。:)这是一种欺骗\afterpage行为;我主要通过暴力破解和查看打印输出来找到解决方案 - 这里是当前代码的两个类的打印输出的比较:

% % ieeetran                                  | % article
% Completed box being shipped out [1] []      |  Completed box being shipped out [1] []
%   \floatpageset to 3 ..                     |    \floatpageset to 3 ..
% Completed box being shipped out [2] []      |    presecond: pg.2(3) 2
%   in \@floatplacement: 3, vs. 3, vs. 3; !!  |  Completed box being shipped out [2] []
%   'tis 3=3                                  |    in \@floatplacement: 3, vs. 3, vs. 3; !!
% Completed box being shipped out [3] []      |    'tis 3=3
%   in \@floatplacement: 4, vs. 4, vs. 3; !!  |  Completed box being shipped out [3] []
%   'tis 4!= 3                                |    in \@floatplacement: 4, vs. 4, vs. 3; !!
%   \floatpageset to 5 ..                     |    'tis 4!= 3
%   presecond: pg.4(5) 2                      |    \floatpageset to 5 ..
%   fig:two afterpage at pg.4                 |    fig:two afterpage at pg.4
% Completed box being shipped out [4] []      |  Completed box being shipped out [4] []
%   in \@floatplacement: 5, vs. 5, vs. 5; !!  |    in \@floatplacement: 5, vs. 5, vs. 5; !!
%   'tis 5=5                                  |    'tis 5=5
% Completed box being shipped out [5] []      |  Completed box being shipped out [5] []


\batchmode %
\ifx\article\undefined %
  \documentclass[12pt,journal,onecolumn,twoside,draftcls,letterpaper]{IEEEtran} %
\else %
  \documentclass{article} %

\usepackage{xcolor} % \pagecolor
%\usepackage[verbose]{placeins} % doesn't really print if unused


  \typeout{\string\floatpage set to #1 ..}%
% based on:
% % http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/124245/ensure-figures-are-placed-on-an-odd-page/#130000
    % \thepage is == to \the\c@page
    \typeout{in \string\@floatplacement: \thepage, vs. \the\c@page, vs. \floatpage; !!}% \the\c@totalnumber
                        \typeout{'tis \the\c@page=\floatpage}%
                        \typeout{'tis \the\c@page != \floatpage}%
    \global\@toproom \topfraction\@colht
    \global\@botnum  \c@bottomnumber
    \global\@botroom \bottomfraction\@colht
    %\global\@colnum  \ifodd\c@page\c@totalnumber\else\z@\fi%<<<<<<<
    \global\@colnum   \ifnum\the\c@page=\floatpage%
                        %\typeout{...}% NO \typeouts here!
                        \c@totalnumber% % total floats per page allowed
    \@fpmin   \floatpagefraction\@colht}%
  % NOTE: just the original \let:
  % ... seems not to be enough; apparently needs
  % to be globalized, else the modified function 
  % will not stop - pushing all further floats to end!

\lipsum[1-6] HERE1

  \caption{Demo figure One}

\lipsum[7-9] HERE2

% \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\tmpc}{\tmpc+2} % no can do; still on same page here
% \setFloatpage{\tmpc}                  % -- likewise --
% now prevent processing this at first go, too; but only if on same page as when the op started (must wrap it in \def, because we need to call afterpage with that as argument conditionally)
\typeout{presecond: pg.\thepage (\floatpage) \floatsonpageonlyStartedAtPg}
\typeout{fig:two afterpage at pg.\thepage}
\caption{Demo figure Two}
\afterpage{\floatsnormal} % restore normal after done!
\ifnum\thepage=\floatsonpageonlyStartedAtPg %
  \afterpage{\myFigTwo} %
\else %
  \myFigTwo %

\lipsum[14-15] % bit more

\errorstopmode % if in batchmode, this will allow print of just the number of output pages and such
