



\vpara{Problem:} Given $k$ social networks $\textbf{G} = \{G_1, G_2, ..., G_k\}$, 
we want to output a set of partial one-to-one mappings $\textbf{M} = \{\textbf{M}_{i,j}\}$ 
where $\forall i, j = 1,2,...,k; i > j$. Each $m = (v_i, v_j) \in \textbf{M}_{i,j}$ denotes the 
two accounts $v_i$ and $v_j$ belonging to the same person, and by partial, we mean that one person 
may have an account on $G_i$ but do not have account on $G_j$.


\vpara{Problem:} Given $k$ social networks $\textbf{G} = \{G_1, G_2, ..., G_k\}$, we want to 
output a set of partial one-to-one mappings $\textbf{M} = \{\textbf{M}_{i,j}\}$\colorbox{yellow}{,} 
where $\forall i, j = 1,2,...,k; i > j$. Each $m = (v_i, v_j) \in \textbf{M}_{i,j}$ 
denotes the two accounts $v_i$ and $v_j$ belonging to the same person\colorbox{yellow}{. 
We designate as \textit{partial} a mapping for which a person may have an account on $G_i$ 
but not on $G_j$.}

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我仍然不知道它的\vpara作用是什么,但我怀疑你的问题出在\colorbox。看来你只是想突出显示文本。为此,soul 包比使用 更可取\colorbox。想必这能满足你的要求。



Problem: Given $k$ social networks $\textbf{G} = \{G_1, G_2, ..., G_k\}$, we want to 
output a set of partial one-to-one mappings $\textbf{M} = \{\textbf{M}_{i,j}\}$\colorbox{yellow}{,} 
where $\forall i, j = 1,2,...,k; i > j$. Each $m = (v_i, v_j) \in \textbf{M}_{i,j}$ 
denotes the two accounts $v_i$ and $v_j$ belonging to the same person\hl{. 
We designate as \textit{partial} a mapping for which a person may have an account on $G_i$ 
but not on $G_j$.}

