将期刊名称添加到 biblatex 参考文献中

将期刊名称添加到 biblatex 参考文献中

我在 beamer 演示文稿中使用 biblatex,以便使用 \footcite 命令。问题是 biblatex 中的参考书目样式处理看起来不太直观,而且默认样式对我来说都不起作用,因为它们不显示期刊参考文献。

我正在寻找类似于 Bibtex 的 .bst 文件,因为我可以使用 JPC 和 PRL、PR 书目样式。我浏览了互联网和这个 stackexchange,但找不到合适的解决方案。有人能给我提供一个工作示例,其样式显示:作者、年份、期刊吗?


以下代码(authoryear 样式)不显示期刊。字母、数字等仅产生空白参考。

没有期刊信息 梅威瑟:

\documentclass[8pt mathserif]{beamer}




\institute{MSE @ NTU\\
The Zhao Research Group\\             

\date[]{Thursday 31, July 2014}


\section{Review of interesting phenomenology}
\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks noframenumbering]{Polaron Transformation}


\item The original theory was  developed by Munn-Silbey{\tiny \footcite{Silbey1980}\footcite{Munn1985}\footcite{Munn1985a}} and further refined by Zhao et al. \footcite{JCP1994OntheMunn}\footcite{Chen2011} 


并且 library.bib 文件仅包含如下引用的条目:

author = {Silbey, R. and Munn, R. W.},
doi = {10.1063/1.439425},
file = {:Users/Caco/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/General theory of electronic transport in molecular crystals. I. Local linear electron–phonon coupling R. Silbey and R. W. Munn.pdf:pdf},
issn = {00219606},
journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics},
number = {4},
pages = {2763},
title = {{General theory of electronic transport in molecular crystals. I. Local linear electron–phonon coupling}},
url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/72/4/10.1063/1.439425},
volume = {72},
year = {1980}




bibmacro的原始定义cite可以在authoryear.cbx(v3.14 中第 10-18 行)




\begin{frame}{Polaron Transformation}


\item The original theory was  developed by Munn-Silbey\footcite{cicero}\footcite{aksin}\footcite{angenendt}
  and further refined by Zhao et al.\footcite{bertram}\footcite{doody}


