下一个代码改编自 Jake 的回答在 TeX 中创建环形图这已经改编自他自己的回答我怎样才能制作出像 PGF 手册第 88 页那样的“环形(或轮形)图表”?
% Adjusts the size of the wheel:
% The main macro
% Calculate total
\foreach \value/\colour/\name in {#1} {
% Calculate the thickness and the middle line of the wheel
% Rotate so we start from the top
% Loop through each value set. \cumnum keeps track of where we are in the wheel
\foreach \value/\colour/\name in {#1} {
\pgfmathsetmacro{\newcumnum}{\cumnum + \value/\totalnum*360}
% Calculate the percent value
% Calculate the mid angle of the colour segments to place the labels
% This is necessary for the labels to align nicely
} \edef\textanchor{\pgfmathresult}
% Draw the color segments. Somehow, the \midrow units got lost,
% so we add 'pt' at the end. Not nice...
\fill[\colour] (-\cumnum:\outerradius) arc (-\cumnum:-(\newcumnum):\outerradius) --
(-\newcumnum:\innerradius) arc (-\newcumnum:-(\cumnum):\innerradius) -- cycle;
% Draw the data labels
\draw [*-,thin,\colour]
node [circle, very thick, draw=\colour,
fill=gray!70, text=white, text width=2cm, align=center,
append after command={(\midangle:\midradius pt) --
(\midangle:\outerradius + 5ex) -- (\tikzlastnode)}]
at (\midangle:\outerradius + 1ex) [xshift=\labelshiftdir*0.75cm,
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, ,anchor=\textanchor]
{\name: \pgfmathprintnumber{\percentage}\%};
% Set the old cumulated angle to the new value
% \draw[gray] (0,0) circle (\outerradius) circle (\innerradius);
% Usage: \wheelchart{<value1>/<colour1>/<label1>, ...}
\wheelchart{45/blue!70/First Task, 25/orange!70/Second Task,
15/yellow!70/Third Task, 15/purple!70/Fourth Task}
更新 - 描述
我做了一些更改以添加circle descriptions branching from other circles
每个circle node
% Adjusts the size of the wheel:
% The main macro
% Calculate total
\foreach \value/\colour/\name in {#1} {
% \begin{tikzpicture}
% Calculate the thickness and the middle line of the wheel
% Rotate so we start from the top
% Loop through each value set. \cumnum keeps track of where we are in the wheel
\foreach \value/\colour/\name in {#1} {
\pgfmathsetmacro{\newcumnum}{\cumnum + \value/\totalnum*360}
% Calculate the percent value
% Calculate the mid angle of the colour segments to place the labels
% This is necessary for the labels to align nicely
} \edef\textanchor{\pgfmathresult}
% Draw the color segments. Somehow, the \midrow units got lost,
% so we add 'pt' at the end. Not nice...
\fill[\colour] (-\cumnum:\outerradius) arc (-\cumnum:-(\newcumnum):\outerradius) --
(-\newcumnum:\innerradius) arc (-\newcumnum:-(\cumnum):\innerradius) -- cycle;
% Draw the data labels
\draw [*-,thin,\colour]
node [circle, very thick, draw=\colour, fill=gray!70, text=white,
text width=2cm, align=center,
append after command={(\midangle:\midradius pt) -- (\midangle:\outerradius + 5ex)
-- (\tikzlastnode)}] (\name) at (\midangle:\outerradius + 1ex)
[xshift=\labelshiftdir*0.75cm, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,
anchor=\textanchor]{\name: \pgfmathprintnumber{\percentage}\%};
% Set the old cumulated angle to the new value
% \end{tikzpicture}
% Usage: \wheelchart{<value1>/<colour1>/<label1>, ...}
\wheelchart{45/blue!70/First Task, 25/orange!70/Second Task,
15/yellow!70/Third Task, 15/purple!70/Fourth Task}
\node [above=1cm of First Task, circle, text width=2cm, blue!70,
fill=black!70!orange, text=white, align=center] (1TD)
{Description for First Task};
\draw[very thick, green!70] (First Task) -- (1TD);
\node [above right=1cm and 0.5cm of Fourth Task, circle, text width=2cm,
blue!70, fill=black!70!red, text=white, align=center] (4TD)
{Description for Fourth Task};
\draw[very thick, green!70] (Fourth Task) -- (4TD);
\ncline{psChartO1}{psChart1}\nput{0}{psChartO1}{\CPut{blue}{Foo\\ 45\,\%}}
\ncline{psChartO2}{psChart2}\nput{150}{psChartO2}{\CPut{orange}{Bar\\ 25\%}}
\ncline{psChartO3}{psChart3}\nput{-90}{psChartO3}{\CPut{yellow}{Baz\\ 15\%}}
\ncline{psChartO4}{psChart4}\nput{0}{psChartO4}{\CPut{purple}{FBa\\ 15\%}}
\rput(0,0){\bfseries\white Rock}
使用 键获取线条lines
。使用 键将起点放置在外圆lines sep=0
文本用 key 来放置wheel data
,这个文本的位置由 key 决定wheel data pos
,这个文本被放置在一个节点中,这个节点的样式由 key 决定wheel data style
lines sep=0,
wheel data=\WCvarC,
wheel data pos=2,
wheel data style={
ultra thick
1/cyan/text A,
2/magenta/text B,
4/orange/text C%