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\section{Zu meiner Person}
\cvline{Geboren}{am 07.06.1983 in Berlin}
\subsection{Masterstudium 'Volkswirtschaftslehre'}
\cvline{09/2009 - 09/11}{\textbf{Birkbeck, University of London, UK, }\newline \emph{Schwerpunkte: Wachstums?konomie, Makroökonometrie und Statistik}}
\cvline{Titel}{\emph{Mugabe's Monetized Budget Deficit - The Epitome of Zimbabwe's Economic Tragedy?-An Investigation into the Causes of Zimbabwe's Hyperinflation and the Options
for its Monetary Regime.}}
\cvline{Betreuer}{Prof. Ron Smith and Prof. John Driffle}
\subsection{Bachelorstudium 'Volkswirtschaftslehre \& Finanzen'}
\cvline{09/2006 - 07/09}{\textbf{London Metropolitan Business School, UK,}\emph{ (Note: 1,0)}}
\subsection{Bachelorthesis, durchgef?hrt als zwei Teilprojekte:}
\cvline{1st. Thesis}{\emph{The Yuan: America's Foreign Boogeyman? An Investigation into the Chinese Exchange Rate Regime. (Note: 1,0)}}
\cvline{2nd.Thesis}{\emph{Is Outsourcing really as bad as its critics allege? (Note: 1,0)}}
\cvline{Betreuer}{Prof. Steven Smith \& Prof. Craig Duckworth}
\section{Beruflicher Werdegang}
\cvline{02/2012 - 04/12}{\textbf{Schneider Trading Associates, London, UK}\newline
{\empty}{Trading Floor Training Programme: Proprietary Trading}}
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