,中间有一列(共 5 列),没有边框,看起来就像是同一浮动框中的两个表格。但是,我确信这是可以做到的,但我似乎遗漏了一些东西,因为我的表格是堆叠在一起的,尽管tabular
被 隔开\qquad
适用于两个表格的 也对齐相同。MWE 如下:
\textbf{Site} & \textbf{Size}\tabularnewline
\textbf{Cuoli} & 3.5 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Erlitou} & \textasciitilde{}5 ha \tnote{i}\tabularnewline
\textbf{Gaoya} & 57 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Huizui} & 10 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Ligou} & 10 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Shaochai} & n/a \tnote{ii}\tabularnewline
\textbf{Tanxiaoguan} & 10 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Wangwan} & 2 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Xiaopangou} & 10 ha\tabularnewline
\multicolumn{2}{c}{(a) Longshan Period}\tabularnewline
\textbf{Site} & \textbf{Size}\tabularnewline
\textbf{Cuoli} & 3.5 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Erlitou} & 300 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Gaoya} & 80 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Huizui} & 25 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Ligou} & 10 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Shaochai} & 100 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Tanxiaoguan} & 20 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Wangwan} & n/a \tnote{iii}\tabularnewline
\textbf{Xiaopangou} & 20 ha\tabularnewline
\multicolumn{2}{c}{(b) Erlitou Period}\tabularnewline
\begin{tablenotes} \scriptsize \item[i] The Erlitou site is occupied during the early Longshan period (see ), but the earlier occupation has been completely subsumed by the massive growth of the subsequent Erlitou period; the size given here is only an estimate. However, we do know that the site is abandoned during the late Longshan period, and is re-occupied by phase I of the Erlitou period. \item[ii] The Shaochai site is not present during the Longshan period, not appearing until phase I of the Erlitou period. \item[iii] The Wangwan site appears not to have much of a presence by the Erlitou period, though the Wangwan excavators do mention some Erlitou traits evident in pottery forms during the site's final occupation in the late Longshan (see "Wangwan Site" description, p.\pageref{WangwanSite}). \end{tablenotes}
\caption{Site sizes, by period}
s 括在另一个 s 中,tabular
\textbf{Site} & \textbf{Size}\tabularnewline
\textbf{Cuoli} & 3.5 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Erlitou} & \textasciitilde{}5 ha \tnote{i}\tabularnewline
\textbf{Gaoya} & 57 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Huizui} & 10 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Ligou} & 10 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Shaochai} & n/a \tnote{ii}\tabularnewline
\textbf{Tanxiaoguan} & 10 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Wangwan} & 2 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Xiaopangou} & 10 ha\tabularnewline
\multicolumn{2}{c}{(a) Longshan Period}\tabularnewline
\textbf{Site} & \textbf{Size}\tabularnewline
\textbf{Cuoli} & 3.5 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Erlitou} & 300 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Gaoya} & 80 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Huizui} & 25 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Ligou} & 10 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Shaochai} & 100 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Tanxiaoguan} & 20 ha\tabularnewline
\textbf{Wangwan} & n/a \tnote{iii}\tabularnewline
\textbf{Xiaopangou} & 20 ha\tabularnewline
\multicolumn{2}{c}{(b) Erlitou Period}\tabularnewline
\begin{tablenotes} \scriptsize \item[i] The Erlitou site is occupied during the early Longshan period (see ), but the earlier occupation has been completely subsumed by the massive growth of the subsequent Erlitou period; the size given here is only an estimate. However, we do know that the site is abandoned during the late Longshan period, and is re-occupied by phase I of the Erlitou period. \item[ii] The Shaochai site is not present during the Longshan period, not appearing until phase I of the Erlitou period. \item[iii] The Wangwan site appears not to have much of a presence by the Erlitou period, though the Wangwan excavators do mention some Erlitou traits evident in pottery forms during the site's final occupation in the late Longshan (see "Wangwan Site" description, p.\pageref{WangwanSite}).
\caption{Site sizes, by period}