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\name{HAROLD C. GOODBETTER\\[12pt]}     % the \\[12pt] adds a blank
                        % line after name      

\address{\bfseries PRESENT ADDRESS\\193 5th Avenue\\Troy, NY 12180\\(518) 274-1234}
\address{\bfseries PERMANENT ADDRESS \\ 110 Brant Avenue \\  Upper Saddle
         River,   NJ 07458 \\  (201) 555-9509}


\section{JOB OBJECTIVE}          
    A summer position that will use my accounting and computer

    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY  \\        
    Bachelor of Science, Management, May 1990   \\       
    Concentration in Management Systems       \\   
    Minors in Computer Science and Economics  \\        
    G.P.A. 3.3/4.0          

   \hspace{2.3in}\= \hspace{2.6in}\= \kill % set up two tab positions
   \schoolimage{example-image-a}{\bfseries Telefund Associate} \>Rensselaer Fund     \>Fall 1987-Present\\
                             \>Troy, NY
   \end{tabbing}\vspace{-20pt}      % suppress blank line after tabbing
    Generated alumni and parent support to reduce tuition,          
    increase scholarship and financial aid funds; averaging 80          
    percent pledge rate. Top three percent associate.
   \hspace{2.3in}\= \hspace{2.6in}\= \kill % set up two tab positions
   \schoolimage{example-image-b}{\bfseries Team Programmer} \>Group W Cable, Westinghouse Corp \> ~~~~~~ Summer 1987\\
                          \>Mahway, NJ
    Liaison between accounting department and controller,          
    provided assistance with invoice liabilities after          
    divestiture of Group W Cable by Westinghouse.
   \hspace{2.3in}\= \hspace{2.6in}\= \kill % set up two tab positions          
   \schoolimage{example-image-c}{\bfseries Sales Assistant}  \>AP Technical Sales Inc. \> Summers  1985-86\\
                          \>Palisades Park, NJ
    Duties included telemarketing, data entry, and invoicing.          
    Successfully converted catalog inquiries to sales          
    opportunities by telemarketing program.          

\section{COMPUTER SKILLS}          
    Extensive knowledge of hardware and software for IBM PC and          
    MTS. \\         
    Proficient programming skills in COBOL, WATFIV (FORTRAN), and          

\section{HONORS AND AWARDS}          
    Epsilon Delta Sigma: Honorary Management Society at          
    Rensselaer    \\      
    Dean's List of Distinguished Students: Fall 1986-Spring 1988  \\        
    National Honor Society: Northern Highlands High School  \\        
    Creative Essay Award: Northern Highlands High School  \\        
    Meritorious Action Life Saving Award: Boy Scouts of America          

    Epsilon Delta Sigma Public Relations Committee \\         
    Rensselaer Ski Club     \\     
    Bergen County Task Force Student Liaison 1986  \\        
    LEADD (Legislators and Educators Against Drunk Driving) Chairman
     1985-86  \\        
    Youth Group - Temple Beth Or Activities Chairman 1985-86          



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