需要帮助格式化我的书 - 章节标题 - 页眉

需要帮助格式化我的书 - 章节标题 - 页眉

我是一名化学工程专业的毕业生,我正在帮助我的导师排版他的书。他给了我 MS Word 中的文本和方程式,我必须将其转换为LaTeX.

我用Adobe InDesign排版,但是我对它的数学公式排版不是很满意,所以一个月前开始学习LaTex。




  1. 我需要将章节号右对齐,显示为“CHAPTER-ONE”而不是“Chapter 1”,并将章节标题居中对齐,并需要 2 条水平线,第一条 0.35 毫米,第二条 0.2 毫米横跨页面。如下所示,章节模型我得到的格式如下所示。第1章

  2. 我需要将标题设置为如下所示的特定格式。标题模型 此外,我需要一条横跨文本宽度 0.25 毫米的线。但是,当我使用fancyhdr包时,我得到了这个我得到的标题

  3. 我根本不想要页脚,因为我需要空间来留脚注。

  4. 我正在使用该geometry软件包自定义纸张尺寸和边距。我需要知道是否可以包含出血。下面给出的图像可以给你一个想法。这是 Adob​​e InDesign 文档属性页面尺寸


\usepackage[paperheight=24.5cm,paperwidth=18cm, left=1.5cm,right=1.5cm,top=1.5cm,bottom=1.5cm,bindingoffset=7mm,includehead,includefoot]{geometry}
%\title{Heat and Mass Transfer}
\chapter[]{Basics Concepts}
Heat transfer is a discipline of thermal engineering that concerns the generation, use, conversion, and exchange of thermal energy and heat between physical systems. In engineering practice, an understanding of the modes of heat transfer is becoming increasingly important since heat transfer plays a crucial role in the design of vehicles, power plants, refrigerators, electronic devices, buildings, and bridges, among other things. The science of thermodynamics deals with the amount of heat transfer as a system undergoes a process from one equilibrium state to another, and makes no reference to how long the process will take. But in engineering, mainly interested in the rate of heat transfer, which is the topic of the science of heat transfer.




以下是解决第 1、2 和 3 个问题的方法之一。(我把第 4 个问题放在一边,但这个问题是可以解决的很多稍后的。)

% If we store the book title in a macro, we can use it in many places
\newcommand{\thebooktitle}{Heat and Mass Transfer}

% Fonts, encodings, languages

% Page dimensions
  paperheight=24.5cm, paperwidth=18cm,
  left=1.5cm, right=1.5cm, top=1.5cm, bottom=1.5cm,

% Provides dummy text for testing purposes

% Header Style:
% booktitle | chapter-number.page-number | chapter title
% Make sure footer is empty

% Chapter Style:
\usepackage{titlesec}% titlesec has \titleformat, \titlerule, \filleft, \filcenter
\usepackage{fmtcount}% fmtcount has \NUMBERstring
  {\filleft\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename} \NUMBERstring{chapter}}

% We want an 'empty' (or plain?) pagestyle for the front matter
% \pagestyle{plain}
\chapter{Basics Concepts}

\lipsum[1-20]% generates dummy text for testing purposes

