投影仪模式下 Tikz 图形的缩放问题

投影仪模式下 Tikz 图形的缩放问题

我正在尝试在 beamer 模板中使用 tikz 图形,但是我对要显示的图形的缩放比例有疑问。


    % !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode


\usepackage{pgf, tikz, adjustbox}

\usetikzlibrary{patterns, matrix, positioning}                

    \pgfmathparse{(1/(#1 * sqrt(2 * pi))) * exp((-1 / 2) * (((x - #2)/#1) ^ 2))}%

% other packages

%% Enable only in Xelatex
% \usepackage{pstricks}

\title{Etalement à interface élastique}
\institute [Sorbonne Université - ESPCI, Paris] {Laboratoire \\PSL University}


% defs
\def\cmd#1{\texttt{\color{red}\footnotesize $\backslash$#1}}
\def\env#1{\texttt{\color{blue}\footnotesize #1}}

    emphstyle=\ttfamily\color{deepred},    % Custom highlighting style



        {Introduce your self}



\begin{tikzpicture}[dot/.style = {circle, fill, inner sep=1.0pt, node contents={}}]

  no markers, domain=0:14, samples=200,
  axis lines=none, %axis lines*=left, 
  xlabel=$x$, ylabel=$y$,
  every axis y label/.style={at=(current axis.above origin),anchor=south},
  every axis x label/.style={at=(current axis.right of origin),anchor=west},
  height=5cm, width=17cm,
  xtick={\mean,12.5}, ytick=\empty,
  enlargelimits=false, clip=false, axis on top,
  grid = major

% On crée les 2 courbes gaussiennes en les nommant et en les remplissant
  \addplot [fill=cyan!20, draw=none, domain=0:14] {gaussian(1.5+\std,\mean)} \closedcycle;
  \addplot [name path=haute,very thick,cyan!50!black] {gaussian(1.5+\std, \mean)+0.05};
  \addplot [name path=basse,very thick,cyan!50!black] {gaussian(1.5+\std, \mean)};
  \addplot [very thick,cyan!50!black] {gaussian(1.5+\std, \mean)+0.05}--(14,0); % ligne entre fin de la fonction et axe des abscisses

 % On remplit la zone entre les 2 courbes
  \addplot fill between[
    of = haute and basse,
    soft clip={domain=0:14},
    every even segment/.style  = {pink,opacity=.2}

% On crée une ligne artificielle pour fermer le contour à gauche
\draw[very thick, cyan!50!black]  (0,0) -- (0,0.05011524462);

% On crée les indications pour les quantités H(x,t) et R(x,t)
\draw[dashed,red, stealth-stealth, very thick] (8,0) -- node[fill=cyan!20,scale=0.75] {$h(x,t)$} (8,0.189940);
\draw[dashed,red, stealth-stealth, thick] (7,0.025) -- node[fill=cyan!20,scale=0.75] {$R(x,t)$} (12.5,0.025);

% On remplit la zone intermédiaire entre les 2 rectangles gris (SANS CONTOURS)
\path[fill=cyan!20] (6.25,-0.2) -- (6.25,0) -- (7.75,0) -- (7.75,-0.2) -- (6.25,-0.2);


% On crée artificiellement 2 contours qui nous intéressent
\draw[black] (6.25,-0.2) -- (6.25,0);
\draw[black] (7.75,-0.2) -- (7.75,0);

% On construit les rectangles de la base à la main
\draw[black, fill=gray!20] (0,-0.075) -- (0,0) -- (6.25,0) -- (6.25,-0.075) -- (0,-0.075);
\draw[black, fill=gray!20] (14,-0.075) -- (14,0) -- (7.75,0) -- (7.75,-0.075) -- (14,-0.075);
\draw[black, pattern = checkerboard] (0,-0.12) -- (0,-0.075) -- (6.25,-0.075) -- (6.25,-0.12) -- (0,-0.12);
\draw[black, pattern = checkerboard] (14,-0.12) -- (14,-0.075) -- (7.75,-0.075) -- (7.75,-0.12) -- (14,-0.12);

% On crée le label sur le flux Q(x,t)
\draw [yshift=-0.6cm, -stealth](7,-0.1) -- node [fill=cyan!20] {$Q(t)$} (7,0);
\node[right] at (5.5,0.1) {$(\rho,\mu)$};

% On crée les flèches pour les zones à labeliser à la main
\draw[black, stealth-, very thick] (9,0.13) -- node[pos = 0.8,below right,scale=1] {Elastic membrane} (12,0.25);
\draw[black, stealth-, very thick] (6,0.03) -- node[pos = 0.8,below left,scale=1] {Silicon oil} (3,0.25);
\draw[black, -stealth, very thick] (5,-0.2) -- node[pos = 0.2,above left,scale=1] {Checkerboard pattern} (5,-0.12);
%\draw [yshift=-0.6cm, latex-latex](axis cs:4,0) -- node [fill=white] {$Q(t)$} (axis cs:5.96,0);

% Construction des axes
\draw[dotted,-stealth,thick] (7, 0) -- (15,  0) node[right] {$\underline{e}_x$}; % x-axis
\draw[dotted,-stealth,thick] (7, 0) -- ( 7,0.325) node[above] {$\underline{e}_z$}; % y-axis
\path (7,0) node[black,dot,label=below left:$0$];









\makeatletter % [add curpage/total page at the bottom](http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/100838/beamer-dresden-theme-miniframes-appeareance-and-frame-number-insertion)
    \begin{beamercolorbox}[colsep=1.5pt]{upper separation line foot}
      leftskip=.3cm,rightskip=.3cm plus1fil]{author in head/foot}%
      \leavevmode{\usebeamerfont{author in head/foot}\insertshortauthor}%
      {\usebeamerfont{institute in head/foot}\usebeamercolor[fg]{institute in head/foot}\insertshortinstitute}%
      leftskip=.3cm,rightskip=.3cm plus1fil]{title in head/foot}%
      {\usebeamerfont{title in head/foot}\insertshorttitle}%
      {\usebeamerfont{frame number}\usebeamercolor[fg]{frame number}\insertframenumber~\frameofframes~\inserttotalframenumber}
    \begin{beamercolorbox}[colsep=1.5pt]{lower separation line foot}



%define qut theme color 
\xdefinecolor{qut}{HTML}{00407a}  %PANTONE 541 BLUE
%\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}[text]

\setbeamercolor{palette primary}{use=structure,fg=white,bg=structure.fg}
\setbeamercolor{palette secondary}{use=structure,fg=white,bg=structure.fg!75!black}
\setbeamercolor{palette tertiary}{use=structure,fg=white,bg=structure.fg!50!black}
\setbeamercolor{palette quaternary}{fg=white,bg=structure.fg!50!black}
\setbeamercolor{titlelike}{parent=palette primary}

%% try
\setbeamercolor{block title}{bg=qut}
\setbeamercolor*{block title example}{use={normal text,example text},bg=white,fg=qut}
\setbeamercolor{fine separation line}{}
\setbeamercolor{item projected}{fg=white}
\setbeamercolor{palette sidebar primary}{use=normal text,fg=normal text.fg}
\setbeamercolor{palette sidebar quaternary}{use=structure,fg=structure.fg}
\setbeamercolor{palette sidebar secondary}{use=structure,fg=structure.fg}
\setbeamercolor{palette sidebar tertiary}{use=normal text,fg=normal text.fg}
%\setbeamercolor{palette sidebar quaternary}{fg=white}
\setbeamercolor{section in sidebar}{fg=brown}
\setbeamercolor{section in sidebar shaded}{fg=grey}
\setbeamercolor{separation line}{}
\setbeamercolor{sidebar}{parent=palette primary}
\setbeamercolor{subsection in sidebar}{fg=brown}
\setbeamercolor{subsection in sidebar shaded}{fg=grey}






有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗(我是 beamer 的初学者)?




\usepackage{accents} % for bar under character


%%%%%% PGFPLOTS %%%%%%%%%%%%

    \pgfmathparse{(1/(#1 * sqrt(2 * pi))) * exp((-1 / 2) * (((x - #2)/#1) ^ 2))}%

\usepackage{color} %red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, black, white
\definecolor{mygreen}{RGB}{28,172,0} % color values Red, Green, Blue


\usepackage{pgf, tikz, adjustbox}
\usetikzlibrary{patterns, matrix, positioning}



\begin{tikzpicture}[dot/.style = {circle, fill, inner sep=1.0pt, node contents={}}]

  no markers, domain=0:14, samples=200,
  axis lines=none, %axis lines*=left, 
  xlabel=$x$, ylabel=$y$,
  every axis y label/.style={at=(current axis.above origin),anchor=south},
  every axis x label/.style={at=(current axis.right of origin),anchor=west},
  height=5cm, width=17cm,
  xtick={\mean,12.5}, ytick=\empty,
  enlargelimits=false, clip=false, axis on top,
  grid = major

% On crée les 2 courbes gaussiennes en les nommant et en les remplissant
  \addplot [fill=cyan!20, draw=none, domain=0:14] {gaussian(1.5+\std,\mean)} \closedcycle;
  \addplot [name path=haute,very thick,cyan!50!black] {gaussian(1.5+\std, \mean)+0.05};
  \addplot [name path=basse,very thick,cyan!50!black] {gaussian(1.5+\std, \mean)};
  \addplot [very thick,cyan!50!black] {gaussian(1.5+\std, \mean)+0.05}--(14,0); % ligne entre fin de la fonction et axe des abscisses

 % On remplit la zone entre les 2 courbes
  \addplot fill between[
    of = haute and basse,
    soft clip={domain=0:14},
    every even segment/.style  = {pink,opacity=.2}

% On crée une ligne artificielle pour fermer le contour à gauche
\draw[very thick, cyan!50!black]  (0,0) -- (0,0.05011524462);

% On crée les indications pour les quantités H(x,t) et R(x,t)
\draw[dashed,red, stealth-stealth, very thick] (8,0) -- node[fill=cyan!20,scale=0.75] {$h(x,t)$} (8,0.189940);
\draw[dashed,red, stealth-stealth, thick] (7,0.025) -- node[fill=cyan!20,scale=0.75] {$R(x,t)$} (12.5,0.025);

% On remplit la zone intermédiaire entre les 2 rectangles gris (SANS CONTOURS)
\path[fill=cyan!20] (6.25,-0.2) -- (6.25,0) -- (7.75,0) -- (7.75,-0.2) -- (6.25,-0.2);


% On crée artificiellement 2 contours qui nous intéressent
\draw[black] (6.25,-0.2) -- (6.25,0);
\draw[black] (7.75,-0.2) -- (7.75,0);

% On construit les rectangles de la base à la main
\draw[black, fill=gray!20] (0,-0.075) -- (0,0) -- (6.25,0) -- (6.25,-0.075) -- (0,-0.075);
\draw[black, fill=gray!20] (14,-0.075) -- (14,0) -- (7.75,0) -- (7.75,-0.075) -- (14,-0.075);
\draw[black, pattern = checkerboard] (0,-0.12) -- (0,-0.075) -- (6.25,-0.075) -- (6.25,-0.12) -- (0,-0.12);
\draw[black, pattern = checkerboard] (14,-0.12) -- (14,-0.075) -- (7.75,-0.075) -- (7.75,-0.12) -- (14,-0.12);

% On crée le label sur le flux Q(x,t)
\draw [yshift=-0.6cm, -stealth](7,-0.1) -- node [fill=cyan!20] {$Q(t)$} (7,0);
\node[right] at (5.5,0.1) {$(\rho,\mu)$};

% On crée les flèches pour les zones à labeliser à la main
\draw[black, stealth-, very thick] (9,0.13) -- node[pos = 0.8,below right,scale=1] {Elastic membrane} (12,0.25);
\draw[black, stealth-, very thick] (6,0.03) -- node[pos = 0.8,below left,scale=1] {Silicon oil} (3,0.25);
\draw[black, -stealth, very thick] (5,-0.2) -- node[pos = 0.2,above left,scale=1] {Checkerboard pattern} (5,-0.12);
%\draw [yshift=-0.6cm, latex-latex](axis cs:4,0) -- node [fill=white] {$Q(t)$} (axis cs:5.96,0);

% Construction des axes
\draw[dotted,-stealth,thick] (7, 0) -- (15,  0) node[right] {$\underline{e}_x$}; % x-axis
\draw[dotted,-stealth,thick] (7, 0) -- ( 7,0.325) node[above] {$\underline{e}_z$}; % y-axis
\path (7,0) node[black,dot,label=below left:$0$];





  • \pgfplotsset{compat=newest}在您尝试将代码移植到 beamer 时缺少该代码。

  • 您可以使用scale=...缩放完整的 tikz 图片:


% other packages

%% Enable only in Xelatex
% \usepackage{pstricks}

\title{Etalement à interface élastique}
\institute [Sorbonne Université - ESPCI, Paris] {Laboratoire \\PSL University}


% defs
\def\cmd#1{\texttt{\color{red}\footnotesize $\backslash$#1}}
\def\env#1{\texttt{\color{blue}\footnotesize #1}}

    emphstyle=\ttfamily\color{deepred},    % Custom highlighting style

%%%%%% PGFPLOTS %%%%%%%%%%%%

    \pgfmathparse{(1/(#1 * sqrt(2 * pi))) * exp((-1 / 2) * (((x - #2)/#1) ^ 2))}%
\definecolor{mygreen}{RGB}{28,172,0} % color values Red, Green, Blue
\usepackage{pgf, tikz, adjustbox}
\usetikzlibrary{patterns, matrix, positioning}

\begin{tikzpicture}[dot/.style = {circle, fill, inner sep=1.0pt, node contents={}},scale=0.6]

  no markers, domain=0:14, samples=200,
  axis lines=none, %axis lines*=left, 
  xlabel=$x$, ylabel=$y$,
  every axis y label/.style={at=(current axis.above origin),anchor=south},
  every axis x label/.style={at=(current axis.right of origin),anchor=west},
  height=5cm, width=17cm,
  xtick={\mean,12.5}, ytick=\empty,
  enlargelimits=false, clip=false, axis on top,
  grid = major

% On crée les 2 courbes gaussiennes en les nommant et en les remplissant
  \addplot [fill=cyan!20, draw=none, domain=0:14] {gaussian(1.5+\std,\mean)} \closedcycle;
  \addplot [name path=haute,very thick,cyan!50!black] {gaussian(1.5+\std, \mean)+0.05};
  \addplot [name path=basse,very thick,cyan!50!black] {gaussian(1.5+\std, \mean)};
  \addplot [very thick,cyan!50!black] {gaussian(1.5+\std, \mean)+0.05}--(14,0); % ligne entre fin de la fonction et axe des abscisses

 % On remplit la zone entre les 2 courbes
  \addplot fill between[
    of = haute and basse,
    soft clip={domain=0:14},
    every even segment/.style  = {pink,opacity=.2}

% On crée une ligne artificielle pour fermer le contour à gauche
\draw[very thick, cyan!50!black]  (0,0) -- (0,0.05011524462);

% On crée les indications pour les quantités H(x,t) et R(x,t)
\draw[dashed,red, stealth-stealth, very thick] (8,0) -- node[fill=cyan!20,scale=0.75] {$h(x,t)$} (8,0.189940);
\draw[dashed,red, stealth-stealth, thick] (7,0.025) -- node[fill=cyan!20,scale=0.75] {$R(x,t)$} (12.5,0.025);

% On remplit la zone intermédiaire entre les 2 rectangles gris (SANS CONTOURS)
\path[fill=cyan!20] (6.25,-0.2) -- (6.25,0) -- (7.75,0) -- (7.75,-0.2) -- (6.25,-0.2);


% On crée artificiellement 2 contours qui nous intéressent
\draw[black] (6.25,-0.2) -- (6.25,0);
\draw[black] (7.75,-0.2) -- (7.75,0);

% On construit les rectangles de la base à la main
\draw[black, fill=gray!20] (0,-0.075) -- (0,0) -- (6.25,0) -- (6.25,-0.075) -- (0,-0.075);
\draw[black, fill=gray!20] (14,-0.075) -- (14,0) -- (7.75,0) -- (7.75,-0.075) -- (14,-0.075);
\draw[black, pattern = checkerboard] (0,-0.12) -- (0,-0.075) -- (6.25,-0.075) -- (6.25,-0.12) -- (0,-0.12);
\draw[black, pattern = checkerboard] (14,-0.12) -- (14,-0.075) -- (7.75,-0.075) -- (7.75,-0.12) -- (14,-0.12);

% On crée le label sur le flux Q(x,t)
\draw [yshift=-0.6cm, -stealth](7,-0.1) -- node [fill=cyan!20] {$Q(t)$} (7,0);
\node[right] at (5.5,0.1) {$(\rho,\mu)$};

% On crée les flèches pour les zones à labeliser à la main
\draw[black, stealth-, very thick] (9,0.13) -- node[pos = 0.8,below right,scale=1] {Elastic membrane} (12,0.25);
\draw[black, stealth-, very thick] (6,0.03) -- node[pos = 0.8,below left,scale=1] {Silicon oil} (3,0.25);
\draw[black, -stealth, very thick] (5,-0.2) -- node[pos = 0.2,above left,scale=1] {Checkerboard pattern} (5,-0.12);
%\draw [yshift=-0.6cm, latex-latex](axis cs:4,0) -- node [fill=white] {$Q(t)$} (axis cs:5.96,0);

% Construction des axes
\draw[dotted,-stealth,thick] (7, 0) -- (15,  0) node[right] {$\underline{e}_x$}; % x-axis
\draw[dotted,-stealth,thick] (7, 0) -- ( 7,0.325) node[above] {$\underline{e}_z$}; % y-axis
\path (7,0) node[black,dot,label=below left:$0$];




