\caption{(a) Numerical solutions for the small-time system with a constant-curvature body shape showing the scaled leading-order veritcal reaction force $N_0$ versus the scaled body mass $M$ for various values of $g$. Again, $I=M$ for definiteness and $A=0.7$. (b) As for (a) but over a wider range of values of $M,I$.}
由于您希望使两个图形更大,您可以 (a) 增加两个subfigure
以及 (b) 将图形的宽度设置为1\linewidth
环境的整个宽度。 LaTeX 会自动在两个子图之间插入换行符。
\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} % remove 'demo' option for your real document
\caption[Two numerical solutions]{(a) Numerical solutions for the small-time system
with a constant-curvature body shape showing the scaled leading-order veritcal
reaction force $N_0$ versus the scaled body mass $M$ for various values of $g$.
Again, $I=M$ for definiteness and $A=0.7$. (b) As for (a) but over a wider range of
values of $M,I$.}
\usepackage{lipsum}% Just for this example
See Figure~\ref{fig:myfig}(a) or~(b). \lipsum[1]
\includegraphics[width=.7\linewidth,height=75pt]{example-image-a} \\[\abovecaptionskip]
\small (a) An image
\includegraphics[width=.6\linewidth,height=100pt]{example-image-b} \\[\abovecaptionskip]
\small (b) Another image
\caption{This is a figure caption}\label{fig:myfig}
\caption{(a) Numerical solutions for the small-time system with a constant-curvature body shape showing the scaled leading-order veritcal reaction force $N_0$ versus the scaled body mass $M$ for various values of $g$. Again, $I=M$ for definiteness and $A=0.7$. (b) As for (a) but over a wider range of values of $M,I$.}
subfigure 包现在已弃用。子图可以代替使用。使用方法如下:
\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} % remove 'demo' option for your real document
\subfloat[a][a]{\includegraphics{a.png} \label{fig:a}} \\
\subfloat[b][b]{\includegraphics{b.png} \label{fig:b}}
\caption{a + b} \label{fig:AB}