如何在 gb4e 中将整个示例加粗(\textbf)?

如何在 gb4e 中将整个示例加粗(\textbf)?

我正在使用 展示语言示例gb4e。举个例子,我想将整个示例加粗,无论是源语句还是整个内容(包括注释和自由翻译)。当我编译下面的代码时,加粗的示例从示例编号下面的行开始。我有很多这样的例子,我需要将每个例子中的四个选项之一加粗。我怎样才能消除多余的行而不应用\textbf到每个单独的单词?

    \ex \textbf{
        \gll sak=en du xu tat nanen chushma rughd.\\
             we=\textsc{cl} with our father mother hot-spring went\\
        \glt `We went to the hot-springs with our parents.'
        \gll sak=en du xu tat nanen chushma rughd.\\
             we=\textsc{cl} with our father mother hot-spring went\\
        \glt `We went to the hot-springs with our parents.'


\textbf{...}通过更改{\bfseries ...}

    \ex {\bfseries
        \gll sak=en du xu tat nanen chushma rughd.\\
             we=\textsc{cl} with our father mother hot-spring went\\
        \glt `We went to the hot-springs with our parents.'
        \gll sak=en du xu tat nanen chushma rughd.\\
             we=\textsc{cl} with our father mother hot-spring went\\
        \glt `We went to the hot-springs with our parents.'


