



author      = {Brockweill, P.J. and Gani, J. and Resnick, S.I.},
year        = {1982},
title       = {Birth, immigration and catastrophe process},
journal     = {Advances in Applied Probability},
volume      = {14},
pages       = {709-731},

author      = {Brockweill, P.J.},
year        = {1986},
title       = {The extinction time of a general birth and death process with catastrophes},
journal     = {Journal of Applied Probability},
volume      = {23},
pages       = {851-858},

author = {Patel, C.C.},
title = {Catastrophe modeling: a new approach to managing risk},
publisher = {Springer},
year = 2005,

author      = {Pakes, A.G. and Trajstman, A.C. and Brockwell, P.J.},
year        = {1979},
title       = {A stochastic model for a replicating population subjected to mass emigration due to population pressure},
journal     = {Mathematical Biosciences},
volume      = {45},
number      = {1},
pages       = {137-157},


Based on a birth-death process, a catastrophe process, in addition, involves catastrophes and emigrations, leading to the decline or growth of the populations subject to those factors. In past decades, the interest in developing and analysing the catastrophe process has been engaged, and emphasis and focus have been placed on mathematical models for that subject, especially the semi-stochastic models, i.e. models with deterministic growth and random catastrophes. For example, \citet{Pakes} proposed a semi-stochastic model which showed the expected time to extinction approaches $\infty$ as the initial size of the population approaches 0.




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