使用 tikz 来获取矩阵中的矩形

使用 tikz 来获取矩阵中的矩形
    U^{k} = \begin{tikzpicture}
            \matrix [matrix of math nodes,left delimiter=(,right delimiter=)] (m)
                z^{k}     &  0 & \cdots & s z^{0} & s z^{1} & \cdots & s z^{k-2} & s    z^{k-1} \\
                z^{k-1} s &  \vdots&    & -\overline{z} & s^{2} z^{0}   & \cdots & s^{2} z^{k-3} & s^{2} z^{k-2} \\
                z^{k-2} s &   & &  & -\overline{z} & s^{2} z^{0} & \cdots & s^{2} z^{k-3} \\
                \vdots    &   & &  &   & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots \\
                z s       & \vdots&  &   & 0 &   & -\overline{z} & s^{2} z^{0} \\
                s         & 0 & \cdots &  &   &   &   & -\overline{z} \\
                0         & 1 &   & 0 &  &  &   &   \\
                \vdots    &   & \ddots & &  &   & 0 &   \\
                0         & 0 &   & 1 &  & &   &   \\
            \draw (m-2-4.north west) rectangle (m-6-8.south east);
            \draw (m-7-2.north west) rectangle (m-9-4.south east);

这是我的代码和结果 在此处输入图片描述



要带到U^k=中间,[baseline={(m.center)}]请使用选项\begin{tikzpicture}。要使矩形更大,请(m-6-8.south east-|m-2-8.north east)使用

 \draw (m-2-4.north west) rectangle (m-6-8.south east-|m-2-8.north east);

意思是与 的x坐标相同m-2-8.north east并且y与 的坐标相同m-6-8.south east


    U^{k} = \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline={(m.center)}]
            \matrix [matrix of math nodes,left delimiter=(,right delimiter=)] (m)
                z^{k}     &  0 & \cdots & s z^{0} & s z^{1} & \cdots & s z^{k-2} & s    z^{k-1} \\
                z^{k-1} s &  \vdots&    & -\overline{z} & s^{2} z^{0}   & \cdots & s^{2} z^{k-3} & s^{2} z^{k-2} \\
                z^{k-2} s &   & &  & -\overline{z} & s^{2} z^{0} & \cdots & s^{2} z^{k-3} \\
                \vdots    &   & &  &   & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots \\
                z s       & \vdots&  &   & 0 &   & -\overline{z} & s^{2} z^{0} \\
                s         & 0 & \cdots &  &   &   &   & -\overline{z} \\
                0         & 1 &   & 0 &  &  &   &   \\
                \vdots    &   & \ddots & &  &   & 0 &   \\
                0         & 0 &   & 1 &  & &   &   \\
            \draw (m-2-4.north west) rectangle (m-6-8.south east-|m-2-8.north east);
            \draw (m-7-2.north west) rectangle (m-9-4.south east);



我发现easyCTAN 中的捆绑包,这是一个很好的测试问题easybmat包裹。

和往常一样,您需要知道列数和行数。可以为行和列选择不同的对齐方式 (l、c、r)。并且可以在元素之间绘制路径。


    U^{k} = \left(\begin{BMAT}{cccccccc}{ccccccccc}
                z^{k}     &  0 & \cdots & s z^{0} & s z^{1} & \cdots & s z^{k-2} & s    z^{k-1} \\
                z^{k-1} s &  \vdots&    & -\overline{z} & s^{2} z^{0}   & \cdots & s^{2} z^{k-3} & s^{2} z^{k-2} \\
                z^{k-2} s &   & &  & -\overline{z} & s^{2} z^{0} & \cdots & s^{2} z^{k-3} \\
                \vdots    &   & &  &   & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots \\
                z s       & \vdots&  &   & 0 &   & -\overline{z} & s^{2} z^{0} \\
                s         & 0 & \cdots &  &   &   &   & -\overline{z} \\
                0         & 1 &   & 0 &  &  &   &   \\
                \vdots    &   & \ddots & &  &   & 0 &   \\
                0         & 0 &   & 1 &  & &   &   

