
我希望使用 lyx beamer 文档类型,但在文档中使用中文。也许可以使用 CJK,但不确定如何操作。
我不知道这是否是正确的方法(我不知道如何用中文书写),但它似乎对我有用。请注意,我在使用 TeX Live 2014 的 Ubuntu 上使用 LyX 2.1.1。在尝试此操作之前,首先确保您可以导出 LyX 的中文手册,以测试您已满足所有先决条件。打开 doc/zh_CN/Intro.lyx 和 doc/zh_CN/Tutorial.lyx。您能成功将它们导出为 PDF(pdflatex)吗?如果可以,请对 Beamer 进行以下操作(带中文):
在文档 > 设置中,将语言更改为“中文(简体)”,将编码更改为“其他:Unicode(CJK)(utf8)”
在文档 > 设置中的字体下将“CJK:”更改为“gbsn”。
查看 PDF (pdftex)
下面是一个示例(至少需要 LyX 2.1.0 才能运行)。请注意,我仅取了英语帮助 > Beamer 手册的第一帧,并在该帧中的条目的第二项中添加了一些中文文本。
.lyx 文件:
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Presentations with Beamer and LyX
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An Introduction to the Basics
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The LyX Team
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Purpose of the Beamer class
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With the
\begin_inset Flex Structure
status open
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class, you can produce presentation slides, which
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are visually highly customizable
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can be constructed step-by-step (
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\begin_inset Quotes erd
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may contain different navigation paths (note that the slides contain all
sorts of hyperlinks)
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use LaTeX's superb output quality
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might embed multimedia content (audio, video)
\begin_layout Itemize
can easily be transformed to accompanying material (such as an article-like
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and much more \SpecialChar \ldots{}
导出(使用 LaTeX(pdflatex)).tex 文件:
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% We use the "Berkeley" theme with a 3.45em-wide side bar on the left
\title{Presentations with Beamer and \LyX{}}
\subtitle{An Introduction to the Basics}
\author{The \LyX{} Team}
\date{V. 2.1}
\begin{frame}[<+->]{Purpose of the Beamer class}
With the \structure{Beamer} class, you can produce presentation slides,
\item are visually highly customizable
\item 是一个文档写作系统
\item can be constructed step-by-step (``overlay'' concept)
\item may contain different navigation paths (note that the slides contain
all sorts of hyperlinks)
\item use \LaTeX{}'s superb output quality
\item might embed multimedia content (audio, video)
\item can easily be transformed to accompanying material (such as an article-like
\item and much more \ldots{}