我似乎无法使用 silent 包进行预过滤的后过滤输出

我似乎无法使用 silent 包进行预过滤的后过滤输出

我有一本书,当我用 pdflatex 编译它时,它在 stdout 上产生了 20,000 行输出。我做了以下事情来减少输出:

\WarningFilter{Fancyhdr}{\headheight is too small}
\WarningFilter{textpos}{environment textblock}
%\pdfsuppresswarningpagegroup=1 % my pdftex isn't new enough
\hfuzz=999pt % reduce overfull hbox errors
\hbadness=10000 % reduce underfull hbox errors

这样就将输出缩减到 500 行。但是,这还是太多了。我想在没有错误的情况下将其缩减到零行,这样每次编译这本书时我都可以实际查看输出。剩余的无用输出似乎主要包括以下类别:

  1. 说明我已加载的软件包的消息:(/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fancyhdr/fancyhdr.sty)
  2. 通过 包含的每个文件都有一条消息includegraphics
  3. 针对每种使用的字体都给出一条信息:<</usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/p ublic/amsfonts/cm/cmsy10.pfb>>
  4. 正在包含的文件。

有些类型的消息似乎是无法阻止的,因为它们被编码到 TeX 本身中。因此,除了对输出进行某种后过滤之外,似乎没有其他选择。我必须编写自己的过滤器吗,还是其他人编写了一些东西来执行此操作?




$> ltx2any bibtex_test.tex 
[ltx2any] Initialising ...
[ltx2any] pdflatex(1) running ... Done
[ltx2any] bibtex running ... Error
[ltx2any] pdflatex(2) running ... Done
[ltx2any] pdflatex(3) running ... Done
[ltx2any] pdflatex(4) running ... Done
[ltx2any] There were 1 error and 3 warnings.
[ltx2any] Output generated at bibtex_test.pdf
[ltx2any] Assembling log files ... Done
[ltx2any] Log file generated at bibtex_test.log.md

来源:ltx2any README.md

终端上的简短摘要输出会提醒用户在构建过程中遇到的任何错误,并且可以在 Markdown 日志文件(还提供 pdf 日志文件选项)中查看有关任何错误的更多详细信息。 (La)TeX 的完整、纯净的日志文件也可在其通常的位置找到。


构建系统ltx2any可高度配置,适用于多种不同的引擎和工作流程。请参阅 GitHub 存储库以了解更多详细信息和功能示例。


由于似乎没有人知道预先存在的解决方案,因此我编写了以下 ruby​​ 脚本。


# This program filters TeX's output to get rid of stuff I don't care about.
# It reads stdin, writes stdout.

def do_filtering(t)
  path_chars = "[a-zA-Z0-9./\-]" # characters that we expect to see in a path name
  extensions = "(sty|aux|fd|cfg|def|ldf|cls|clo)" # tex tells us about these, e.g., (/foo/bar/baz.sty)
  path = "\.*\/#{path_chars}+(\n#{path_chars}+)?"

  t.gsub!(/\n*pdfTeX warning: pdflatex \(file #{path}\n?\)\n?:\n? \n?[^\n]+(\n[^\n]+)?included in a single page\n*/,'')
       # http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/183149/cant-silence-a-pdftex-pdf-inclusion-multiple-pdfs-with-page-group-error

  # messages from includegraphics, e.g.,  <./ch01/figs/reservoir-tangent-line.pdf>
  t.gsub!(/<([^\n]+)\n([^\n]+)>/) {"<"+$1+$2+">"} # remove linebreaks in middle of paths
  graphics_extensions = "(jpg|pdf|png)"
  graphics_file = "#{path}\.#{graphics_extensions}( \(PNG copy\))?"
  t.gsub!(/<(#{graphics_file} )*#{graphics_file}>/,'')

  # Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active
  # Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 126--126
  t.gsub!(/Underfull \\(hbox|vbox) \(badness \d+\) (has occurred while \\output is active|in paragraph at lines \d+--\d+)/,'')

  # Overfull \hbox (6.56241pt too wide) detected at line 35
  # Overfull \hbox (8.53581pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 824--824
  t.gsub!(/Overfull \\(hbox|vbox) \(\d+\.\d+pt too (wide|high)\) in paragraph at (line \d+|lines \d+--\d+)/,'')

  # clean up page numbers like [18] [19]
  t.gsub!(/\[(\d+) +\]/) {"["+$1+"]"} # remove whitespace inside brackets
  1.upto(10) { |i|
    t.gsub!(/(\[\d+\])\n ?(\[\d+\])/) {$1+" "+$2} # remove newlines between page numbers
  t.gsub!(/\[\]/,'') # empty brackets
  t.gsub!(/\$\[\]\$/,'') # empty $[]$
  t.gsub!(/\$\$/,'') # empty $$
  t.gsub!(/^\s*\n/,'') # lines containing only whitespace

  # messages from specific packages, etc.
  date_version = "<[^>]+>" # e.g., <2008/02/07>, used by packages to announce what version they are
  t.sub!(/\AThis is [^\n]+\n/,'')
  t.sub!(/^LaTeX2e #{date_version}Babel[^\n]+languages loaded\.\n/,'')
  t.sub!(/Package: textpos[^\n]+\n/,'')
  # remove lines beginning with specific text
    "For additional information on amsmath",
    "Document Class",
    "Style option",
    "Grid set ",
    "TextBlockOrigin set",
    "ABD: EveryShipout initializing macros",
    "Output written on",
    "Transcript written on",
  ].each { |x|
  t.gsub!(/^ ?\|?\\OT1[^\n]+(application|derivative|intermediate|acceleration)\|? ?$/,'')
  t.gsub!(/^ ?\|?\\OT1[^\n]+/,'') # \OT1/cmr/m/n/10.95 0.110001000000000000000001

  # list of fonts, e.g., <</usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/amsfonts/cm/cmbx10.pfb>>

  t.gsub!(/\n{2,}/,"\n") # blank lines

  return t

t = $stdin.gets(nil) # nil means read whole file
if t.nil? then t='' end # gets returns nil at EOF, which means it returns nil if file is empty


print t
