使用 Memoir 类设置偶数页和奇数页的边距

使用 Memoir 类设置偶数页和奇数页的边距



\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Input encoding - Depending on editor
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\usepackage{mathtools} % To use \eqref
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\usepackage{lipsum} % Debugging text
\usepackage{sansmath,subfig} % Gives a warning because subfig loads caption
\usepackage{todonotes} % Giver mulighed for kommentarer


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%-------------------------- PDF - PROPERTIES -------------------------------%
% Active links

\hypersetup{pdfauthor={<The authors>}, pdftitle={<The
    title>},pdfsubject={<The subject>}}

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%------------------------- PAGESTYLE - PROPERTIES -------------------------%


      \ifnum \value{secnumdepth} > 1
      \if@mainmatter % 
      \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ %



%--------------------- HEADING - SECTION ----------------------------------%
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\setsecheadstyle{\ruledsec} % Define section head style


%--------------------- HEADING - SUBs-SECTION -----------------------------%
\addtocounter{secnumdepth}{2} % Depth numbering


\setsechook{\hangsecnum} % Hang the section number in margin
\setsubsechook{\defaultsecnum} % Don't do this on the subsections
\setaftersecskip{5pt} % Default skip between the section and text

%------------------------- TOC - PROPERTIES -------------------------------%
\raggedbottomsectiontrue % The page may not be strected on page breaks
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\settocdepth{subsection} % Up to and including subsection

\setlength{\cftbeforechapterskip}{1.0em plus 0.1em minus 0.1em} % Space from chapters
%\chapterprecistoc{Text in TOC}

  \renewcommand*{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}

%------------------------- CHAPTER STYLE ----------------------------------%
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%------------------------- USER DEFINED COMMANDS --------------------------%
% Define some macros
%\setlength{\parindent}{4em} %Paragrafindryk
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%------------------------- FRONT MATTER -----------------------------------%
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% Page number in roman style






%------------------------- MAIN MATTER ------------------------------------%
\include{testside} % Include the chapters
%------------------------- BACK MATTER ------------------------------------%






%%% Local Variables: 
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End:





