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% float placement %% from Martin
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% to number subsub section and make them appear in the toc

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% indicate what to do at the start of each logical group
\item[\glstarget{##1}{##2}] ##3%

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\immediate\write18{makeglossaries \jobname}

\glstoctrue % place your custom packages, etc... in this file!

%%%%% HEAD: Book-Begin

%%%%% MAIN: The chapters of the thesis


\chapter{State of the Art}




带星号的章节(和部分)没有编号,也没有目录条目和标题。问题是,标题不会自动清除。您必须使用 手动执行此操作\markboth{}{}。但从您的示例中,我可以看到您想要一个目录条目,我想还需要一个标题。您可以实现这一点。

KOMA 类以更高级的方式提供相同的命令。请阅读如何在 KOMA-script 中使用未编号章节?了解更多信息。现在,您可以使用 KOMA 脚本文档中描述的命令。切换到 KOMA 不会对刚刚定义的命令造成任何困难。


由于这似乎经常需要,我将前面的代码放入一个名为的小包中unnumberedtotoc(<- 下载链接) 与 KOMA 兼容,便于以后切换。这是一个 alpha 版本,可能永远不会有任何错误修复。如果您想要万无一失的功能,请使用 KOMA 类。

该软件包仅提供一个选项;indentunnumbered。这是基于软件包tocbasic(来自 KOMA 包)。

%   indentunnumbered
]{unnumberedtotoc} %get it from https://github.com/johannesbottcher/unnumberedtotoc


\addchap{unnumbered chapter with toc and head}

\addchap[title for toc and head]{chapter title}
\addsec*{starred addsec}
\addsec{regular addsec}
\addsec*{starred addsec}
\chapter{usual chapter}
\chapter*{look at the header}
\addchap*{really nothing, header cleared}





\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
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%Implementing *some* KOMA functionality now

\ProvideDocumentCommand{\addchap}{ s o m }{%
    \typeout{providing a minimal version of addchapp.
        You might want to use a KOMA class for full

\ProvideDocumentCommand{\addsec}{ s o m }{%
    \typeout{providing a minimal version of addsec.
        You might want to use a KOMA class for full

%A KOMA class also provides this feature
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\addchap[toc and head]{Donald is a great duck}
\chapter{State of the Art}

\addchap*{really nothing, header cleared}

