如何将“Bookman Old Style”字体作为我的博士论文的主要字体?

如何将“Bookman Old Style”字体作为我的博士论文的主要字体?

我无法找到简单的解决方案来将“Bookman Old Style”添加为我的 latex 文档中的主字体。我使用了下面的行,但没有提供所需的字体。



我正在使用 Windows,pdflatex。






\chapter{Bookman font test}







获得所需结果的一种方法是使用 XeLaTeX 或 LuaLaTeX,如下所示:

  1. 使用包 \usepackage{fontspec}
  2. 字体: \setmainfont{Bookman Old Style} Bookman 的字体为 Bookman Old Style。


\setmainfont{Bookman Old Style}

\chapter{Working Capital Assessment}
Banks assess the working capital needs of the borrowers in two ways. 
\section{Under Nayak Committee}
This is based on turnover. Every year the borrower has to advise his plan of action and the approximate turnover/sales he expects to achieve in the coming year. This must be supported by the projected balance sheet and profit and loss statements for the coming year. The projection of turnover/sales must be in consistent with the turnover he achieved in the previous years. The borrower is  eligible to get 20\% of  total projected turnover.  This may lead the borrowers to project a  high turnover so as to get more funds from banks in the form of working capital facility. Just to arrest the over ambitious projection  he is required to bring in  a margin equivalent to 5\% of total turnover(sales) projected. Based on the project balance sheet the banker will calculated the projected Net Working Capital. If the projected NWC is more than the required marign of 5\% of total projected turnover  the difference will be treated as excess liquidity in the hands of the borrower. So the bank will deduct the excess liquidity from the borrower's eligible working capital bank finance. Thus the maximum permissible bank finance is calculated as shown below.


