修改 qformat:在问题末尾添加与之相符的要点

修改 qformat:在问题末尾添加与之相符的要点

我想修改 qformat,以便问题的要点出现在行内和末尾,但不在右边距。



我尝试过修改 qformat,但它看起来总是在新行上开始问题,就像在这个 MWE 中一样:


\qformat{\thequestion. \hfill (\thepoints)}

\question i will give you no points
    \part[3] This is a part 
    \part[3] This is another part 
    \part[3] This is A part 

\question[5] This question will give you some points

\question[1] Are you happy this is over?




您可以使用命令(第 4.5.1 节,第 33 页)执行此\titledquestion操作。我添加了一个顶部对齐来限制问题文本的宽度,这会偏移分值。对我来说,这让您和您的学生更容易看到分值。您可以根据需要\parbox调整宽度。\parbox





% Places points on first line of question. You can adjust text width to suit your needs.
\qformat{\thequestion. \parbox[t]{0.8\textwidth}{\thequestiontitle}\hfill(\thepoints)}

% Use this if you want the points to occur on the last line of the question. 
% Caveat: If your question occupies a full line, the points will appear on the left side
% of the new line. Plus, I don't think it looks as good.
%\qformat{\thequestion. \parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\thequestiontitle\hfill(\thepoints)}\hfill}

\titledquestion{i will give you no points}[0]
    \part[3] This is a part 
    \part[3] This is another part 
    \part[3] This is A part 

\titledquestion{This question will give you some points}[5]

\titledquestion{This question works fine for the second \qformat. text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text}[5]

\titledquestion{This question puts the points at the left side fo the page. text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text }[5]

\question[1] Are you happy this is over?






