
\tikzstyle{decision} = [diamond, draw,
text width=4.5em, text badly centered, node distance=3cm, inner sep=0pt, minimum height=5em]
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw,
text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=5em]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex']
\tikzstyle{cloud} = [draw, ellipse, node distance=2cm,
minimum height=2em]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 1.45cm, auto]
% Place nodes
\node [cloud] (start) {Start};
\node [block, below of=start, node distance=1.5cm] (kde) {\tiny Apply KDE};
\node [block, below of=kde, node distance=1.5cm] (init) {\tiny Initialize $\beta = \beta_0$\\$\hat{M}= \hat{M_0}$};
\node [block, below of=init] (Centroid) {\tiny Update $\mu_c$, $\mu_{c'}$\\ $\sigma_c$,$\sigma_{c'}$\\ $\theta$};
\node [block, below of=Centroid,text width=2.8cm] (Softassign) {\tiny Update $Q_{ij}$\\$M^{0}_{ij}\leftarrow \exp(\beta Q_{ij})$};
\node [block, below of=Softassign] (slack) {\tiny Update \\$\hat{M^{1}_{ij}}$ \\ $\hat{M^{0}_{ij}}$};
\node [decision, below of=slack,text width=1.25cm] (Sinkhorn) {\tiny Convergence\\ of $\hat M$ \\ or $I > I_1$};
\node [decision, left of=Sinkhorn, node distance=2.8cm,text width=1.25cm] (Convergence of match matrix) {\tiny Convergence\\ of $M$ \\ or $I > I_0$};
\node [block, below of =Sinkhorn,text width=1.0cm,yshift=-0.5cm] (End of Deterministic Annealing) {\tiny $\beta\leftarrow \beta_r\beta$};
\node [decision, right of=End of Deterministic Annealing, node distance=2.2cm] (Deterministic Annealing) {\tiny $\beta \geq \beta_f $};
\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=1cm][fit = (Centroid)(Softassign)(slack)(Sinkhorn)(Convergence of match matrix)(End of Deterministic Annealing)(Deterministic Annealing),fill=red!20] (DA) {};
\node [above right] at (DA.north west) { Deterministic Annealing};
\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=1cm][fit = (Softassign)(slack)(Sinkhorn)(Convergence of match matrix),fill=green!20] (SA) {};
\node [above left] at (SA.north east) { Softassign};
\node [block, right of=slack, node distance=3.2cm] (SVD) {\tiny Update\\ translations\\ via SVD};
\node [decision, right of=init, node distance=3.2cm,text width=1.8cm] (Zero Points) {\tiny $\Delta C_{\gamma}\ll 1$ \\ and \\ $\Delta C_{\zeta}\ll 1$};
\node [cloud, right of=Zero Points, node distance=2.0cm] (stop) {Stop};
% Draw edges
\path [line] (start) -- (kde);
\path [line] (kde) -- (init);
\path [line] (init) -- (Centroid);
\path [line] (Centroid) -- (Softassign);
\path [line] (Softassign) -- (slack);
\path [line] (slack) -- (Sinkhorn);
\path [line] (Sinkhorn) --+(1.5,0) -- +(1.5,3) -- node {No}(slack);
\path [line] (Sinkhorn) -- node[above] {Yes} (Convergence of match matrix);
\path [line] (Convergence of match matrix) |- node[above][left] {Yes}(End of Deterministic Annealing);
\path [line] (Convergence of match matrix) |- node[above] {No}(Centroid);
\path [line] (End of Deterministic Annealing) -- (Deterministic Annealing);
\path [line] (Deterministic Annealing) |- node[above] {No}(Centroid);
\path [line] (Deterministic Annealing) -| node[above][right] {Yes}(SVD);
\path [line] (SVD) -- (Zero Points);
\path [line] (Zero Points) -- node [above]{No}(init);
% \path [line,dashed] (expert) -- (init);
\path [line] (Zero Points) -- node[above]{Yes}(stop);
\caption{The heuristic colour calibration procedure flowchart. The parameters in flowchart are explained in Table \ref{tab:initial} with details.}
1. 文字标签及彩框不得相互重叠,且不得与线条或方框重叠。
2. 想办法让缺失的盒子再次出现。
首先,你的代码中缺少很多 TikZ 库,
两个大彩色矩形覆盖所有其他节点的原因自然是因为你删除了 选项[on background layer]
库,并使用了它的语法(below=of othernode
而不是below of=othernode
节点放置,将Zero points
,并使用\node [..] at (init -| SVD) (Zero Points)
节点多于节点Zero points
\tikzset{decision/.style={diamond, draw,
text width=4.5em, text badly centered, inner sep=0pt, minimum height=5em},
block/.style={rectangle, draw,
text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners},
line/.style={draw, -latex'},
cloud/.style={draw, ellipse}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto,every node/.style={font=\tiny,align=center},node distance=0.5cm]
% Place nodes
\node [cloud] (start) {Start};
\node [block, below=of start] (kde) { Apply KDE};
\node [block, below=of kde] (init) { Initialize $\beta = \beta_0$\\$\hat{M}= \hat{M_0}$};
\node [block, below=of init] (Centroid) { Update $\mu_c$, $\mu_{c'}$\\ $\sigma_c$,$\sigma_{c'}$\\ $\theta$};
\node [block, below=of Centroid,text width=2.8cm] (Softassign) { Update $Q_{ij}$\\$M^{0}_{ij}\leftarrow \exp(\beta Q_{ij})$};
\node [block, below=of Softassign] (slack) { Update \\$\hat{M^{1}_{ij}}$ \\ $\hat{M^{0}_{ij}}$};
\node [decision, below=of slack,text width=1.25cm] (Sinkhorn) { Convergence\\ of $\hat M$ \\ or $I > I_1$};
\node [decision, left=0.5cm of Sinkhorn,text width=1.25cm] (Convergence of match matrix) { Convergence\\ of $M$ \\ or $I > I_0$};
\node [block, below=1cm of Sinkhorn,text width=1.0cm] (End of Deterministic Annealing) { $\beta\leftarrow \beta_r\beta$};
\node [decision, right=0.5cm of End of Deterministic Annealing, node distance=2.2cm] (Deterministic Annealing) { $\beta \geq \beta_f $};
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=1cm][fit = (Centroid)(Softassign)(slack)(Sinkhorn)(Convergence of match matrix)(End of Deterministic Annealing)(Deterministic Annealing)] (DA) {};
\filldraw [fill=red!20] ([xshift=-3pt]DA.south west) rectangle (DA.north east);
\node [above right,font=\bfseries\tiny] at (DA.north west) {Deterministic Annealing};
\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=1cm][fit = (Softassign)(slack)(Sinkhorn)(Convergence of match matrix),fill=green!20] (SA) {};
\node [above right,xshift=1cm] at (SA.north west) {Softassign};
\node [block,text width=4em, right=0.1cm of DA] (SVD) { Update\\ translations\\ via SVD};
\node [decision, text width=1.8cm] at (init -|SVD) (Zero Points) { $\Delta C_{\gamma}\ll 1$ \\ and \\ $\Delta C_{\zeta}\ll 1$};
\node [cloud, right=0.4cm of Zero Points] (stop) {Stop};
% Draw edges
\path [line] (start) -- (kde);
\path [line] (kde) -- (init);
\path [line] (init) -- (Centroid);
\path [line] (Centroid) -- (Softassign);
\path [line] (Softassign) -- (slack);
\path [line] (slack) -- (Sinkhorn);
\path [line] (Sinkhorn) --+(1.3,0) |- node[above] {No}(slack);
\path [line] (Sinkhorn) -- node[above] {Yes} (Convergence of match matrix);
\path [line] (Convergence of match matrix) |- node[above][left] {Yes}(End of Deterministic Annealing);
\path [line] (Convergence of match matrix) |- node[above] {No}(Centroid);
\path [line] (End of Deterministic Annealing) -- (Deterministic Annealing);
\path [line] (Deterministic Annealing) |- node[above] {No}(Centroid);
\path [line] (Deterministic Annealing) -| node[above][right] {Yes}(SVD);
\path [line] (SVD) -- (Zero Points);
\path [line] (Zero Points) -- node [above]{No}(init);
% \path [line,dashed] (expert) -- (init);
\path [line] (Zero Points) -- node[above]{Yes}(stop);
不知怎的,我失去了纠正你那缺乏很多细节的(非)MWE 的心情。(你猜对了!我疯了 ;-)不过,这里有一个 MWE 显示了你想要实现的目标:
\node (dm1) at (0,3) {Some};
\node[below = 2cm of dm1] (dm2) {Another node here};
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=2cm] [fit = (dm1) (dm2),fill=green!20,label=above:Some label] (bx4) {};