beamer 中的文本对齐问题

beamer 中的文本对齐问题

尽管右侧有很多空间,但文本还是左对齐。下面是我的 tex 文件的一部分。还附上了输出幻灯片。


\usecolortheme{beaver} %{beetle}%{crane} 

\title[xyz]{Energy Interactions}
\author[Ramkrishna Sharma]{Ramkrishna Sharma}
\institute[DU]{University of Delhi, INDIA}
\date{September 11, 2014}

\setbeamertemplate{footline}[slide number]
\setbeamertemplate{frametitle}[default][center]         % For centering the Heading



\begin{frame}\frametitle{Table of contents}\tableofcontents

\begin{block}{Higgs boson Found!!!}
    \item Discovery of Higgs boson anounced on 4 July 2012.

    \item But, now the question about Higgs boson split into two queries\footfullcite{Massironi:2014fma}:
        \item Is this the only Higgs boson present in Nature?
        \item Is it really doing {\bf the Higgs boson} job?
\begin{block}{Answer: Mainly three roads}
    \item keep searching for scalar outside of m=125GeV\footfullcite{Chatrchyan:2013yoa},
    \item measure with high precision the properties of the 125GeV boson\footfullcite{CMS:2014ega}, and
    \item measure the electroweak vector boson interactions.


