cfoot 中 \\ 和 \linebreak 有什么区别

cfoot 中 \\ 和 \linebreak 有什么区别
\rhead{\thepage/\pageref{LastPage} page}
{ \footnotesize %
This is line one with some text. \linebreak % Replace \linebreak with \\ here to reproduce the error
This is line two with some more text.}}


\begin{longtabu} to \textwidth {Xrlrr}
        Name %
        & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Qty}
        & Price  %
        & NET
    \\ \endhead
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\

上面的例子编译得很好。如果我在 cfoot 中用 \\ 替换 \linebreak,则会收到错误:

ABD:EveryShipout 初始化宏!放错 \cr。\reserved@c ->\ifnum 0=`{}\fi \cr

但是,如果我从表格中删除大约 10 行,那么表格将适合一页。然后 \\ 也将在 cfoot 中工作。没有错误消息。

我对此不太确定,但 longtabu 和 cfoot 不应该在某种程度上相互独立吗?我认为,如果 cfoot 内容在包含常规文本的页面上有效,那么相同的 cfoot 应该可以与任何其他内容一起使用。这是错误吗?如果这不是错误,那么这一定是初学者难以理解的东西的副作用。


这是 中的一个错误longtabu

\newline并且\linebreak在整个 LaTeX 中具有(或多或少)恒定的定义,但\\根据上下文具有不同的定义。\\在数组中与\\在中完全不同center,并且两者都不同于\\在普通文本中。这里发生的情况是,在标题中您处于范围内,\centering\\有其longtabu行结束定义,而不是它此时应该具有的“结束线和中心”定义。


%% No need for \arraybackslash ! ------------------------------------
\def\tabu@latextwoe {%
\tabu@temp \tabu@centering   \centering   \arraybackslash
\tabu@temp \tabu@raggedleft  \raggedleft  \arraybackslash
\tabu@temp \tabu@raggedright \raggedright \arraybackslash



由于 TeX 输出例程的异步特性,将调用分页器来插入页头之内表的范围。







\footnotesize %
This is line one with some text. \\%\linebreak%\\%\linebreak % Replace \linebreak with \\ here to reproduce the error
This is line two with some more text.


{\footnotesize %
This is line one with some text. \\%\linebreak%\\%\linebreak % Replace \linebreak with \\ here to reproduce the error
This is line two with some more text.


\rhead{\thepage/\pageref{LastPage} page}
\footnotesize %
This is line one with some text.\\
This is line two with some more text.


        Name %
        & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Qty}
        & \bfseries Price  %
        & \bfseries NET
    \\ \endhead
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\
     E2014-SPAMA-GLOB   & -1.0  & db  & 31\,833  & -31\,833  \\

