文件已经按年份组织,然后将单行从更改为ITERATE {call.type$}
,REVERSE {call.type$}
得到了预期的输出,即最旧的出版物在前面。有人可以提供进一步的帮助吗?我使用 MikTex2.9 谢谢。
我有一个特殊的 bib 文件,其中包含我的简历作品。 我按照自己的顺序对它们进行排序,因此文件中的第一个 bib 条目是最新的。
然后大部分工作就完成了。现在你可以使用 styleunsrtdin
来获得想要的结果。我使用 packagefilecontents
添加了 bib 文件。
author = {John Doe and John Smith},
title = {Title},
publisher = {Publisher},
edition = {edition},
year = {2014},
author = {John Doe and Eva Smith},
title = {Title2},
publisher = {Publisher2},
edition = {edition},
year = {2013},
author = {Jim Knopf},
title = {Title},
year = {2012},
author = {John Doe and Max Musterfrau},
title = {Title},
year = {2011},
% personal data
\title{Resumé title}
\address{street and number}{postcode city}{country}
\email{[email protected]}
\extrainfo{additional information}
\photo[64pt][0.4pt]{example-image-a} % change image name
\quote{Some quote}
\selectlanguage{ngerman} % German cv
% Publications from a BibTeX file without multibib
\renewcommand{\refname}{Veröffentlichungen} % instead "Publications"
\nocite{*} % cite all entrys in bib file
\bibliographystyle{unsrtdin} % german bib styles: gerplain, plaindin, unsrtdin
% compare with plain (wrong "and" instead German "und")
% gerplain: -> 12 errors \sc undefined, missing "`und"' or "`;"'
% plaindin, unsrtdin: unwanted bibitems
\bibliography{\jobname} % bib file \jobname.bib