无法在文中引用 APA 样式参考文献

无法在文中引用 APA 样式参考文献

我无法以 APA 格式引用参考文献。以下是代码。有人能告诉我如何正确引用参考文献吗?在输出 pdf 中,我得到的The Authors in (?,?)不是正确The Authors in (Kumar & Zhang, 2007)

Kumar, A., & Zhang, D. (15–20 April 2007). Biometric Recognition
using Entropy-Based Discretization. Acoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing, 2007. ICASSP 2007. IEEE International
Conference on. 2, pp. 125–128

这是 latex 代码。请帮忙。谢谢

%these next packages extend the apa class to allow for including statistical and graphic commands
\usepackage{url}   %this allows us to cite URLs in the text
\usepackage{graphicx}  %allows for graphic to float when doing jou or doc style
\usepackage{amssymb}  %use formatting tools  for math symbols
% type setting of functions, packages, and R follows a particular style
\newcommand{\pkg}[1]{{\normalfont\fontseries{b}\selectfont #1}}
%Here is where we start the important APA stuff

\title{How to write in APA style}
\author{Latex writer}
\affiliation{Department of Psychology \\ Northwestern University}
%taken from AP's user notes
% John Vokey uses something like this



  William Revelle\\

    Department of Psychology\\

  Northwestern University\\

 Evanston, Illinois\\


    e-mail: [email protected]\\


{%else, i.e., in jou and doc mode

%\note{Draft of \today}

\abstract{Template to write in APA format
\rightheader{Odd-Numbered Page Header}
\leftheader{Even-Numbered Page Header}

 The Authors in \cite{Kumar:07}, 


\bibitem[1]{Kumar:07} Kumar, A., \& Zhang, D. (15--20 April 2007). Biometric Recognition using Entropy-Based Discretization. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2007. ICASSP 2007. IEEE International Conference on. 2, pp. 125--128




  author =   {Kumar, A. and Zhang, D.},
  title =    {Biometric Recognition using Entropy-Based
  booktitle =    {Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,
                  2007. ICASSP 2007.  (15--20 April 2007)},
  year =     2007,
  number =   2,
  series =   {IEEE Internation Conference},
  pages =    {125--128}



%these next packages extend the apa class to allow for including statistical and graphic commands
\usepackage{url}   %this allows us to cite URLs in the text
\usepackage{graphicx}  %allows for graphic to float when doing jou or doc style
\usepackage{amssymb}  %use formatting tools  for math symbols
% type setting of functions, packages, and R follows a particular style
\newcommand{\pkg}[1]{{\normalfont\fontseries{b}\selectfont #1}}
%Here is where we start the important APA stuff

\title{How to write in APA style}
\author{Latex writer}
\affiliation{Department of Psychology \\ Northwestern University}
%taken from AP's user notes
% John Vokey uses something like this



  William Revelle\\

    Department of Psychology\\

  Northwestern University\\

 Evanston, Illinois\\


    e-mail: [email protected]\\


{%else, i.e., in jou and doc mode

%\note{Draft of \today}

\abstract{Template to write in APA format
\rightheader{Odd-Numbered Page Header}
\leftheader{Even-Numbered Page Header}
\section{Advantage of Symbolic Time series}

 The Authors in \cite{Kumar:07}, 






\bibitem [\protect \citeauthoryear {%
\ \BBA {} Zhang%
\ \BBA {} Zhang%
{\protect \APACyear {2007}}%
\APACinsertmetastar {%
Kumar, A.%
\BCBT {}\ \BBA {} Zhang, D.%
{\BBOQ}\APACrefatitle {Biometric Recognition using Entropy-Based
  Discretization} {Biometric recognition using entropy-based
\BIn{} \APACrefbtitle {Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2007. ICASSP
  2007. (15--20 April 2007)} {Acoustics, speech and signal processing, 2007.
  icassp 2007. (15--20 april 2007)}\ (\BPGS\ 125--128).




正如所指出的,参考文献需要采用 BibTeX 格式。对于以 APA 风格写作,您可能还会对该apa6软件包感兴趣,对于引用,需要迁移到较新的版本biblatex-apa(和 biber)。这允许完整的 APA6 引用(支持 UTF-8,减少了 .bib 中对 LaTeX 代码的需求),并且的文档biblatex-apa非常出色。文档清楚地显示了如何引用 APA 手册第 6 版(第 6 章和第 7 章)中的所有示例。以下是构建 BibTeX 文件的几个有用参考;
