

所以我遇到了这个问题。我正在使用 XeTex 编译器(但我认为其余的编译器也给出了相同的结果)




示例 1:文本良好且对齐




\title{Pax Romana}

\section{Pax Romana}
\rlap{% Remove horizontal width
\smash{% Remove vertical height
\hspace{\dimexpr\columnwidth+.5\columnsep}% Push content to middle of page
\makebox[0pt][c]{% Centre image in middle of page
 % Drop image full height and scale
 %\raisebox{-\height}{\includegraphics[scale=0.90,width=14cm ,height=20cm]{}}%picture itself is irrelevant

%Form a shape around the picture for N lines (each line is specified by <p1,p2>)
%where p1: distance space from start of line. p2: length of line
\parshape 50 
0pt \columnwidth% 1
0.0\columnwidth 0.88\columnwidth% 2
0.0\columnwidth 0.88\columnwidth% 3
0.0\columnwidth 0.88\columnwidth% 4
0.0\columnwidth 0.88\columnwidth% 5
0.0\columnwidth 0.88\columnwidth% 6
0.0\columnwidth 0.90\columnwidth% 7
0.0\columnwidth 0.80\columnwidth% 8
0.0\columnwidth 0.75\columnwidth% 9
0.0\columnwidth 0.75\columnwidth% 10
0.0\columnwidth 0.75\columnwidth% 11
0.0\columnwidth 0.60\columnwidth% 12
0.0\columnwidth 0.60\columnwidth% 13
0.0\columnwidth 0.60\columnwidth% 14
0.0\columnwidth 0.60\columnwidth% 15
0.0\columnwidth 0.60\columnwidth% 16
0.0\columnwidth 0.55\columnwidth% 17
0.0\columnwidth 0.55\columnwidth% 18
0.0\columnwidth 0.55\columnwidth% 19
0.0\columnwidth 0.55\columnwidth% 20
0.0\columnwidth 0.55\columnwidth% 1
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 2
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 3
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 4
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 5
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 6
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 7
0.0\columnwidth 0.45\columnwidth% 8
0.0\columnwidth 0.45\columnwidth% 9
0.0\columnwidth 0.45\columnwidth% 10
0.0\columnwidth 0.45\columnwidth% 11
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 12
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 13
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 14
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 15
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 16
0.0\columnwidth 0.30\columnwidth% 17
0.0\columnwidth 0.30\columnwidth% 18
0.0\columnwidth 0.30\columnwidth% 19
0.0\columnwidth 0.20\columnwidth% 20
0.0\columnwidth 0.20\columnwidth% 1
0.0\columnwidth 0.20\columnwidth% 2
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 3
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 4
0.0\columnwidth 0.55\columnwidth% 1
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 2
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 3
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 4
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 5
0pt \columnwidth% 5
\indent Pax Romana (Latin for "Roman peace") was the long period of relative peace and minimal expansion by military force experienced by the Roman Empire in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. Since it was established by Augustus, it is sometimes called Pax Augusta. It;s span was approximately 206 years (27 BC to 180 AD) according to Encyclopaedia Britannica[1] or from 70 AD to 192 AD according to The Cambridge Ancient History. \hfill\\
\indent The Pax Romana is said  to have been a "miracle" because prior to it there had never been peace for so many centuries in a given period of human history.[3] According to Walter Goffart however, "peace is not what one finds in it[s pages]".[2]  \hfill\\ 
\indent Eckstein also notes that the incipient Pax Romana appeared during the Republic and that its temporal span varied with geographical region as well: "Although the standard textbook dates for the Pax Romana, the famous “Roman Peace” in the Mediterranean, are 31 BC to AD 250, the fact is that the Roman Peace was emerging in large regions of the Mediterranean at a much earlier date: Sicily after 210 [BC]; peninsular Italy after 200 [BC]; the Po Valley after 190 [BC]; most of Spain after 133 [BC]; North Africa after 100 [BC]; and for ever longer stretches of time in the Greek East". \hfill\\


  1. \parshape除了在段落之间设置可变的空间,而且不弄乱文本之外,有没有更简单的方法可以做到这一点?
  2. 用这种\parshape方法...如何修复此类文字空白发生在换线等等的时候






\title{Pax Romana}

\section{Pax Romana}
\rlap{% Remove horizontal width
\smash{% Remove vertical height
\hspace{\dimexpr\columnwidth+.5\columnsep}% Push content to middle of page
\makebox[0pt][c]{% Centre image in middle of page
 % Drop image full height and scale
 %\raisebox{-\height}{\includegraphics[scale=0.90,width=14cm ,height=20cm]{}}%picture itself is irrelevant

%Form a shape around the picture for N lines (each line is specified by <p1,p2>)
%where p1: distance space from start of line. p2: length of line
\parshape 50
0pt \columnwidth% 1
0.0\columnwidth 0.88\columnwidth% 2
0.0\columnwidth 0.88\columnwidth% 3
0.0\columnwidth 0.88\columnwidth% 4
0.0\columnwidth 0.88\columnwidth% 5
0.0\columnwidth 0.88\columnwidth% 6
0.0\columnwidth 0.90\columnwidth% 7
0.0\columnwidth 0.80\columnwidth% 8
0.0\columnwidth 0.75\columnwidth% 9
0.0\columnwidth 0.75\columnwidth% 10
0.0\columnwidth 0.75\columnwidth% 11
0.0\columnwidth 0.60\columnwidth% 12
0.0\columnwidth 0.60\columnwidth% 13
0.0\columnwidth 0.60\columnwidth% 14
0.0\columnwidth 0.60\columnwidth% 15
0.0\columnwidth 0.60\columnwidth% 16
0.0\columnwidth 0.55\columnwidth% 17
0.0\columnwidth 0.55\columnwidth% 18
0.0\columnwidth 0.55\columnwidth% 19
0.0\columnwidth 0.55\columnwidth% 20
0.0\columnwidth 0.55\columnwidth% 1
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 2
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 3
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 4
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 5
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 6
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 7
0.0\columnwidth 0.45\columnwidth% 8
0.0\columnwidth 0.45\columnwidth% 9
0.0\columnwidth 0.45\columnwidth% 10
0.0\columnwidth 0.45\columnwidth% 11
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 12
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 13
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 14
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 15
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 16
0.0\columnwidth 0.30\columnwidth% 17
0.0\columnwidth 0.30\columnwidth% 18
0.0\columnwidth 0.30\columnwidth% 19
0.0\columnwidth 0.20\columnwidth% 20
0.0\columnwidth 0.20\columnwidth% 1
0.0\columnwidth 0.20\columnwidth% 2
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 3
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 4
0.0\columnwidth 0.55\columnwidth% 1
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 2
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 3
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 4
0.0\columnwidth 0.40\columnwidth% 5
0pt \columnwidth% 5
\indent Pax Romana (Latin for "Roman peace") was the long period of relative peace and minimal expansion by military force experienced by the Roman Empire in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. Since it was established by Augustus, it is sometimes called Pax Augusta. It;s span was approximately 206 years (27 BC to 180 AD) according to Encyclopaedia Britannica[1] or from 70 AD to 192 AD according to The Cambridge Ancient History.\\
\mbox{ }\\
\indent The Pax Romana is said  to have been a "miracle" because prior to it there had never been peace for so many centuries in a given period of human history.[3] According to Walter Goffart however, "peace is not what one finds in it[s pages]".[2]\\
\mbox{ }\\
\indent Eckstein also notes that the incipient Pax Romana appeared during the Republic and that its temporal span varied with geographical region as well: "Although the standard textbook dates for the Pax Romana, the famous “Roman Peace” in the Mediterranean, are 31 BC to AD 250, the fact is that the Roman Peace was emerging in large regions of the Mediterranean at a much earlier date: Sicily after 210 [BC]; peninsular Italy after 200 [BC]; the Po Valley after 190 [BC]; most of Spain after 133 [BC]; North Africa after 100 [BC]; and for ever longer stretches of time in the Greek East".\\
