$ pdflatex -version | grep 'TeX Live'
pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2014)
该问题似乎在打印古希腊文句子 - comp.text.tex,就我而言,源于这里:在 pdflatex 中获取 Texlive 版本?;无论我尝试哪个例子,都说:
\def\gettexliveversion#1(#2 #3 #4#5#6#7#8)#9\relax{#4#5#6#7}
% \usepackage{unravel}
% [Printing sentence in ancient Greek - Google Groups](https://groups.google.com/forum/?_escaped_fragment_=topic/comp.text.tex/ajGFiDqpvW0#!topic/comp.text.tex/ajGFiDqpvW0)
% fail at step 16200 (16190)
% \unravel{
% }
The starting verse of the Iliad is
Μῆνιν ἄειδε, θεά, Πηληιάδεω Ἀχιλῆος
and it's really great.
Package babel Warning: No hyphenation patterns were preloaded for
(babel) the language `greek' into the format.
(babel) Please, configure your TeX system to add them and
(babel) rebuild the format. Now I will use the patterns
(babel) preloaded for english instead on input line 44.
! Undefined control sequence.
l.50 ...\bbl@monogreek \bbl@monogreek=\l@monogreek
如果我在每个错误出现时继续按 ENTER,最终它会编译一个 PDF,并且列表文件输出为:
*File List*
article.cls 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
size10.clo 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
babel.sty 2014/09/25 3.9l The Babel package
greek.ldf 2014/09/18 v1.9b Greek support for the babel system
lgrenc.def 2013/12/02 v0.11.2 LGR Greek font encoding definitions
greek-fontenc.def 2013/11/28 v0.11 Common Greek font encoding definitions
english.ldf 2012/08/20 v3.3p English support from the babel system
inputenc.sty 2014/04/30 v1.2b Input encoding file
utf8.def 2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
t1enc.dfu 2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
ot1enc.dfu 2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
omsenc.dfu 2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
lgrenc.dfu 2014/09/14 1.5 UTF-8 support for Greek
t1enc.def 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX file
lgrcmr.fd 2013/09/01 v1.0 Greek European Computer Regular
comp.text.tex 线程实际上提到:
替换\ifx\l@monogreek\@undefined \adddialect\@monogreek 0\fi \ifx\l@ancientgreek\@undefined \adddialect\@ancientgreek 0\fi
\ifx\l@monogreek\@undefined \adddialect\l@monogreek 0\fi \ifx\l@ancientgreek\@undefined \adddialect\l@ancientgreek 0\fi
[2014/09/18 v1.9b Greek support for the babel system]
%% File `babel-greek.dtx'
\adddialect\l@greek 0\fi
\adddialect\@monogreek 0\fi
\adddialect\@ancientgreek 0\fi
事情是这样的:我从头开始安装了 TexLive(install-tl
),尝试编译给定的 MWE,但因给定错误而失败 - 不得不babel-greek/greek.ldf
,要么是 bug - 或者是我遗漏了某个包,而 Latex 无法通过常见的“文件未找到”消息告诉我是哪个。由于没有其他人可以重现此错误,因此它可能不是 bug - 但是,我该如何找到我遗漏的内容呢?
好的,我想我明白了。问题是 - 如果我安装新版 TexLive,我通常会安装最小软件包,然后尝试 tex 我的文档并添加软件包直到它们编译成功 - 所以显然这里缺少了一些东西。以下是我为使其正常工作所做的操作的日志(没有黑客攻击)。
Babel <3.9l> and hyphenation patterns for 2 languages loaded.
... 这通常太少了。可以通过检查来确认kpsewhich language.dat
english hyphen.tex % do not change!
% ...
dumylang dumyhyph.tex %for testing a new language.
nohyphenation zerohyph.tex %a language with no patterns at all.
因此这些hyphenation patterns for 2 languages
所以问题是如何为希腊语添加连字符;正如@UlrikeFischer 暗示的那样,这“取决于 language.dat 的位置” - 而且我显然使用的是自动生成的,而不是本地的:
$ kpsewhich language.dat
因此,我确实使用搜索了“连字符” tlmgr search --global --file hyphen
$ tlmgr install hyph-utf8 hyphen-ancientgreek hyphen-greek
[1/2, ??:??/??:??] install: hyphen-ancientgreek [17k]
[2/2, 00:00/00:00] install: hyphen-greek [717k]
running fmtutil-sys --no-error-if-no-engine=luajittex --byhyphen "/media/texlive/2014/texmf-var/tex/generic/config/language.dat" ...
dumylang dumyhyph.tex %for testing a new language.
nohyphenation zerohyph.tex %a language with no patterns at all.
% from hyphen-ancientgreek:
ancientgreek loadhyph-grc.tex
ibycus ibyhyph.tex
% from hyphen-greek:
monogreek loadhyph-el-monoton.tex
greek loadhyph-el-polyton.tex
很好 - 但示例仍然无法编译!因此,我尝试了:
tlmgr install --reinstall babel-greek
fmtutil --all
不行 - 示例仍然无法编译。然后我按照以下方法尝试:TeX 常见问题 -- 通过 Babel 使用新语言 / 问题标签“newlang”:
$ texconfig hyphen latex
texconfig hyphen is no longer supported, because manual edits of
language.dat (or language.def) will be overwritten by the new TeX Live
package manager, tlmgr, which regenerates those configuration files as
needed upon package changes. Thus, to add or remove hyphenation
patterns, the recommended method is to use tlmgr to add or remove the
appropriate package.
If you need to make manual additions, you can edit the files
language-local.dat and language-local.def under TEXMFLOCAL. Further
information with tlmgr --help and at http://tug.org/texlive/tlmgr.html.
$ fmtutil --byhyphen language.dat
fmtutil: no format depends on hyphen file `/tmp/language.dat'.
$ fmtutil --byhyphen `kpsewhich language.dat` 2>&1 | tee fmtutil.log
$ grep 'language\|installed' fmtutil.log
50 for language 6
18 for language 5
148 for language 4
97 for language 3
2 for language 1
181 for language 0
fmtutil: ~/.texlive2014/texmf-var/web2c/pdftex/latex.fmt installed.
50 for language 6
18 for language 5
148 for language 4
97 for language 3
2 for language 1
181 for language 0
fmtutil: ~/.texlive2014/texmf-var/web2c/pdftex/pdflatex.fmt installed.
/tmp$ kpsewhich pdflatex.fmt
/tmp$ rm pdflatex.fmt
/tmp$ kpsewhich pdflatex.fmt
... 我发现我pdflatex.fmt
,可能是fmtutil --byfmt pdflatex
- 最后pdflatex test.tex
LaTeX2e <2014/05/01>
Babel <3.9l> and hyphenation patterns for 6 languages loaded.
*File List*
article.cls 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
size10.clo 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
inputenc.sty 2014/04/30 v1.2b Input encoding file
utf8.def 2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
t1enc.dfu 2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
ot1enc.dfu 2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
omsenc.dfu 2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
babel.sty 2014/09/25 3.9l The Babel package
greek.ldf 2014/09/18 v1.9b Greek support for the babel system
lgrenc.def 2013/12/02 v0.11.2 LGR Greek font encoding definitions
lgrenc.dfu 2014/09/14 1.5 UTF-8 support for Greek
greek-fontenc.def 2013/11/28 v0.11 Common Greek font encoding definitions
english.ldf 2012/08/20 v3.3p English support from the babel system
t1enc.def 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX file
lgrcmr.fd 2013/09/01 v1.0 Greek European Computer Regular
Output written on test.pdf (1 page, 26870 bytes).
Transcript written on test.log.
希望现在已经安装好了 TexLive 2014。