),而下一行以开头的引号「 开头,则引号会以负向缩进方式缩进到边距中。这实际上没有什么问题——悬挂标点符号在日文排版中是正常且可取的——但第一行的才不是获得相同的悬挂缩进。
% good
"Are you tired?"
"No, not at all."
% bad
"Are you tired?"
"No, not at all."
\setCJKmainfont{Hiragino Mincho Pro}
\begingroup% make parindent change local
% some sample sentences for testing the macro
% taken from tanaka corpus, except the haiku
{A blue suit, white shirt and red tie are essential for all male workers.}
{``Are you tired?'' \\ ``No, not at all.''}
{When I use contacts my eyes feel dry and become red.}
{``I fell asleep?'' \\
``Totally.'' \\
``Really?'' \\
``You were very restless, did you have a scary dream?''}
{Hold still a moment while I fix your tie.}
{As the popping sound of the fireworks stopped, it suddenly became quiet
around me. The smell of gunpowder somehow put me in a sentimental mood.}
{古池や \\
蛙飛び込む \\
{old pond\ldots \\
a frog leaps in \\
water's sound}
{Wilson's solution is similar to Hudson's in that they used the same constants.}
{When people meet, first impressions determine more than 50 percent of whatever
happens next.}
{``Can you smell something burning?'' \\
``Oh, I went and burnt the toast.''}
我的 texlive 有点过时了(2009),所以如果新版本的行为有所不同,我很想知道。
使用最新的TeX Live 2014 (带xeCJK
2014/06/20 v3.2.13),没有错误。
,和自 TeX Live 2013 ( xeCJK
2013/05/28 v3.2.1) 以来已基本修复。可能仍有一些特殊情况xeCJK
无论如何,最好使用空行来开始新段落,而不是用 来换行\\