我有一段 TikZ 代码,它运行良好,直到我尝试重写其中的某些部分,以便通过将某些点定义为其他点的平移来使其更具可定制性。当我开始这样做时,图片的一部分消失了。
以下是解释该问题的完整文件内容:该文件包含两个几乎相同的 TikZ 图片。唯一的区别是,在第二张图片中,点 (C1) 到 (C24) 是“从无到有”定义的,而在第一张图片中,它们被定义为 (A5) 的平移,其坐标为 (0,0)。黑线出现在第二张图片上,但在第一张图片上没有。为什么?我该如何解决这个问题?
TIA 寻求任何形式的帮助。
% Proportionality constants
% Fundamental coordinates of points or vectors
% Deduced coordinates
\coordinate (A1) at (\xone,\yone);
\coordinate (A2) at (\xtwo,\ytwo);
\coordinate (A3) at (\xthree,\ythree);
\coordinate (A4) at (\xfour,\yfour);
\coordinate (A5) at (\xfive,\yfive);
\coordinate (A6) at (\xsix,\ysix);
\coordinate (A7) at (\xseven,\yseven);
\coordinate (A8) at (\xeight,\yeight);
\coordinate (A9) at (\xnine,\ynine);
\coordinate (A10) at (\xten,\yten);
\coordinate (A11) at (\xeleven,\yeleven);
\coordinate (A12) at (\xtwelve,\ytwelve);
\coordinate (A13) at (\xthirteen,\ythirteen);
\coordinate (A14) at (\xfourteen,\yfourteen);
\coordinate (A17) at (\xseventeen,\yseventeen);
\coordinate (A18) at (\xeighteen,\yeighteen);
\coordinate (A22) at (\xtwentytwo,\ytwentytwo);
\coordinate (A23) at (\xtwentythree,\ytwentythree);
\fill[fill=red] (A14) -- (A5) -- (A6) -- (A11) -- (A10) -- cycle;
\fill[fill=red] (A6) -- (A17) -- (A22) -- (A1) -- cycle;
\fill[fill=red] (A17) -- (A18) -- (A23) -- (A22) -- cycle;
\fill[fill=red] (A7) -- (A8) -- (A13) -- (A12) -- cycle;
%\draw (A23) -- (A4) -- (A8);
% \draw (A23) .. controls (A14) .. (A4);
\fill[fill=red] (A23) arc (\anglestart:\anglestart+180:\dee) -- (A13) arc (\anglestart+180:\anglestart:\deetwo) -- (A23);
%\draw[red] (A23) arc (\angletarget:\anglestart:\dee) -- (A13) arc (\anglestart:\angletarget:\deetwo) -- (A23);
%\draw[step=0.1cm,gray] (-1,0) grid (15,6);
%\draw [step=1cm] (-1,0) grid (15,6);
\coordinate (C1) at (A5) ++(-5,3.4);
\coordinate (C2) at (A5) ++(-4,4);
\coordinate (C3) at (A5) ++(-3.6,5);
\coordinate (C4) at (A5) ++(-4.5,6);
\coordinate (C5) at (A5) ++(-4.7,7);
\coordinate (C6) at (A5) ++(-4,8);
\coordinate (C7) at (A5) ++(-3,8.6);
\coordinate (C25) at (A5) ++(-2.7,9);
\coordinate (C8) at (A5) ++(-2.4,10);
\coordinate (C9) at (A5) ++(-2.8,11);
\coordinate (C10) at (A5) ++(-2,11.5);
\coordinate (C11) at (A5) ++(-1,12);
\coordinate (C12) at (A5) ++(-0.3,12.4);
\coordinate (C13) at (A5) ++(-0.3,12.6);
\coordinate (C14) at (A5) ++(-1,12.2);
\coordinate (C15) at (A5) ++(-2,11.7);
\coordinate (C16) at (A5) ++(-3.1,11);
\coordinate (C17) at (A5) ++(-2.6,10);
\coordinate (C18) at (A5) ++(-2.9,9);
\coordinate (C26) at (A5) ++(-4,8.2);
\coordinate (C19) at (A5) ++(-4.3,8);
\coordinate (C20) at (A5) ++(-4.9,7);
\coordinate (C21) at (A5) ++(-4.7,6);
\coordinate (C22) at (A5) ++(-3.8,5);
\coordinate (C23) at (A5) ++(-4.2,4);
\coordinate (C24) at (A5) ++(-5,3.6);
\filldraw plot [smooth cycle] coordinates { (C1) (C2) (C3) (C4) (C5) (C6) (C7) (C25) (C8) (C9) (C10)
(C11) (C12) (C13) (C14) (C15) (C16) (C17) (C18) (C26) (C19) (C20) (C21) (C22) (C23) (C24)};
\fill[fill=red] (A1) -- (A7) -- (A12) -- (A11) -- cycle;
% Proportionality constants
% Fundamental coordinates of points or vectors
% Deduced coordinates
\coordinate (A1) at (\xone,\yone);
\coordinate (A2) at (\xtwo,\ytwo);
\coordinate (A3) at (\xthree,\ythree);
\coordinate (A4) at (\xfour,\yfour);
\coordinate (A5) at (\xfive,\yfive);
\coordinate (A6) at (\xsix,\ysix);
\coordinate (A7) at (\xseven,\yseven);
\coordinate (A8) at (\xeight,\yeight);
\coordinate (A9) at (\xnine,\ynine);
\coordinate (A10) at (\xten,\yten);
\coordinate (A11) at (\xeleven,\yeleven);
\coordinate (A12) at (\xtwelve,\ytwelve);
\coordinate (A13) at (\xthirteen,\ythirteen);
\coordinate (A14) at (\xfourteen,\yfourteen);
\coordinate (A17) at (\xseventeen,\yseventeen);
\coordinate (A18) at (\xeighteen,\yeighteen);
\coordinate (A22) at (\xtwentytwo,\ytwentytwo);
\coordinate (A23) at (\xtwentythree,\ytwentythree);
\fill[fill=red] (A14) -- (A5) -- (A6) -- (A11) -- (A10) -- cycle;
\fill[fill=red] (A6) -- (A17) -- (A22) -- (A1) -- cycle;
\fill[fill=red] (A17) -- (A18) -- (A23) -- (A22) -- cycle;
\fill[fill=red] (A7) -- (A8) -- (A13) -- (A12) -- cycle;
%\draw (A23) -- (A4) -- (A8);
% \draw (A23) .. controls (A14) .. (A4);
\fill[fill=red] (A23) arc (\anglestart:\anglestart+180:\dee) -- (A13) arc (\anglestart+180:\anglestart:\deetwo) -- (A23);
%\draw[red] (A23) arc (\angletarget:\anglestart:\dee) -- (A13) arc (\anglestart:\angletarget:\deetwo) -- (A23);
%\draw[step=0.1cm,gray] (-1,0) grid (15,6);
%\draw [step=1cm] (-1,0) grid (15,6);
\coordinate (C1) at (-5,3.4);
\coordinate (C2) at (-4,4);
\coordinate (C3) at (-3.6,5);
\coordinate (C4) at (-4.5,6);
\coordinate (C5) at (-4.7,7);
\coordinate (C6) at (-4,8);
\coordinate (C7) at (-3,8.6);
\coordinate (C25) at (-2.7,9);
\coordinate (C8) at (-2.4,10);
\coordinate (C9) at (-2.8,11);
\coordinate (C10) at (-2,11.5);
\coordinate (C11) at (-1,12);
\coordinate (C12) at (-0.3,12.4);
\coordinate (C13) at (-0.3,12.6);
\coordinate (C14) at (-1,12.2);
\coordinate (C15) at (-2,11.7);
\coordinate (C16) at (-3.1,11);
\coordinate (C17) at (-2.6,10);
\coordinate (C18) at (-2.9,9);
\coordinate (C26) at (-4,8.2);
\coordinate (C19) at (-4.3,8);
\coordinate (C20) at (-4.9,7);
\coordinate (C21) at (-4.7,6);
\coordinate (C22) at (-3.8,5);
\coordinate (C23) at (-4.2,4);
\coordinate (C24) at (-5,3.6);
\filldraw plot [smooth cycle] coordinates { (C1) (C2) (C3) (C4) (C5) (C6) (C7) (C25) (C8) (C9) (C10)
(C11) (C12) (C13) (C14) (C15) (C16) (C17) (C18) (C26) (C19) (C20) (C21) (C22) (C23) (C24)};
\fill[fill=red] (A1) -- (A7) -- (A12) -- (A11) -- cycle;
而不是\coordinate (C1) at (A5) ++(-5,3.4);
% Proportionality constants
% Fundamental coordinates of points or vectors
% Deduced coordinates
\coordinate (A1) at (\xone,\yone);
\coordinate (A2) at (\xtwo,\ytwo);
\coordinate (A3) at (\xthree,\ythree);
\coordinate (A4) at (\xfour,\yfour);
\coordinate (A5) at (\xfive,\yfive);
\coordinate (A6) at (\xsix,\ysix);
\coordinate (A7) at (\xseven,\yseven);
\coordinate (A8) at (\xeight,\yeight);
\coordinate (A9) at (\xnine,\ynine);
\coordinate (A10) at (\xten,\yten);
\coordinate (A11) at (\xeleven,\yeleven);
\coordinate (A12) at (\xtwelve,\ytwelve);
\coordinate (A13) at (\xthirteen,\ythirteen);
\coordinate (A14) at (\xfourteen,\yfourteen);
\coordinate (A17) at (\xseventeen,\yseventeen);
\coordinate (A18) at (\xeighteen,\yeighteen);
\coordinate (A22) at (\xtwentytwo,\ytwentytwo);
\coordinate (A23) at (\xtwentythree,\ytwentythree);
\fill[fill=red] (A14) -- (A5) -- (A6) -- (A11) -- (A10) -- cycle;
\fill[fill=red] (A6) -- (A17) -- (A22) -- (A1) -- cycle;
\fill[fill=red] (A17) -- (A18) -- (A23) -- (A22) -- cycle;
\fill[fill=red] (A7) -- (A8) -- (A13) -- (A12) -- cycle;
%\draw (A23) -- (A4) -- (A8);
% \draw (A23) .. controls (A14) .. (A4);
\fill[fill=red] (A23) arc (\anglestart:\anglestart+180:\dee) -- (A13) arc (\anglestart+180:\anglestart:\deetwo) -- (A23);
%\draw[red] (A23) arc (\angletarget:\anglestart:\dee) -- (A13) arc (\anglestart:\angletarget:\deetwo) -- (A23);
%\draw[step=0.1cm,gray] (-1,0) grid (15,6);
%\draw [step=1cm] (-1,0) grid (15,6);
\begin{scope}[shift={(0,0)}] %<------------------- new line
\coordinate (C1) at (-5,3.4);
\coordinate (C2) at (-4,4);
\coordinate (C3) at (-3.6,5);
\coordinate (C4) at (-4.5,6);
\coordinate (C5) at (-4.7,7);
\coordinate (C6) at (-4,8);
\coordinate (C7) at (-3,8.6);
\coordinate (C25) at (-2.7,9);
\coordinate (C8) at (-2.4,10);
\coordinate (C9) at (-2.8,11);
\coordinate (C10) at (-2,11.5);
\coordinate (C11) at (-1,12);
\coordinate (C12) at (-0.3,12.4);
\coordinate (C13) at (-0.3,12.6);
\coordinate (C14) at (-1,12.2);
\coordinate (C15) at (-2,11.7);
\coordinate (C16) at (-3.1,11);
\coordinate (C17) at (-2.6,10);
\coordinate (C18) at (-2.9,9);
\coordinate (C26) at (-4,8.2);
\coordinate (C19) at (-4.3,8);
\coordinate (C20) at (-4.9,7);
\coordinate (C21) at (-4.7,6);
\coordinate (C22) at (-3.8,5);
\coordinate (C23) at (-4.2,4);
\coordinate (C24) at (-5,3.6);
\filldraw plot [smooth cycle] coordinates { (C1) (C2) (C3) (C4) (C5) (C6) (C7) (C25) (C8) (C9) (C10)
(C11) (C12) (C13) (C14) (C15) (C16) (C17) (C18) (C26) (C19) (C20) (C21) (C22) (C23) (C24)};
\end{scope} %<----------------------------- new line
\fill[fill=red] (A1) -- (A7) -- (A12) -- (A11) -- cycle;
% Proportionality constants
% Fundamental coordinates of points or vectors
% Deduced coordinates
\coordinate (A1) at (\xone,\yone);
\coordinate (A2) at (\xtwo,\ytwo);
\coordinate (A3) at (\xthree,\ythree);
\coordinate (A4) at (\xfour,\yfour);
\coordinate (A5) at (\xfive,\yfive);
\coordinate (A6) at (\xsix,\ysix);
\coordinate (A7) at (\xseven,\yseven);
\coordinate (A8) at (\xeight,\yeight);
\coordinate (A9) at (\xnine,\ynine);
\coordinate (A10) at (\xten,\yten);
\coordinate (A11) at (\xeleven,\yeleven);
\coordinate (A12) at (\xtwelve,\ytwelve);
\coordinate (A13) at (\xthirteen,\ythirteen);
\coordinate (A14) at (\xfourteen,\yfourteen);
\coordinate (A17) at (\xseventeen,\yseventeen);
\coordinate (A18) at (\xeighteen,\yeighteen);
\coordinate (A22) at (\xtwentytwo,\ytwentytwo);
\coordinate (A23) at (\xtwentythree,\ytwentythree);
\fill[fill=red] (A14) -- (A5) -- (A6) -- (A11) -- (A10) -- cycle;
\fill[fill=red] (A6) -- (A17) -- (A22) -- (A1) -- cycle;
\fill[fill=red] (A17) -- (A18) -- (A23) -- (A22) -- cycle;
\fill[fill=red] (A7) -- (A8) -- (A13) -- (A12) -- cycle;
%\draw (A23) -- (A4) -- (A8);
% \draw (A23) .. controls (A14) .. (A4);
\fill[fill=red] (A23) arc (\anglestart:\anglestart+180:\dee) -- (A13) arc (\anglestart+180:\anglestart:\deetwo) -- (A23);
%\draw[red] (A23) arc (\angletarget:\anglestart:\dee) -- (A13) arc (\anglestart:\angletarget:\deetwo) -- (A23);
%\draw[step=0.1cm,gray] (-1,0) grid (15,6);
%\draw [step=1cm] (-1,0) grid (15,6);
\begin{scope}[shift=(A5)] %<------------------------- new line
\coordinate (C1) at (-5,3.4);
\coordinate (C2) at (-4,4);
\coordinate (C3) at (-3.6,5);
\coordinate (C4) at (-4.5,6);
\coordinate (C5) at (-4.7,7);
\coordinate (C6) at (-4,8);
\coordinate (C7) at (-3,8.6);
\coordinate (C25) at (-2.7,9);
\coordinate (C8) at (-2.4,10);
\coordinate (C9) at (-2.8,11);
\coordinate (C10) at (-2,11.5);
\coordinate (C11) at (-1,12);
\coordinate (C12) at (-0.3,12.4);
\coordinate (C13) at (-0.3,12.6);
\coordinate (C14) at (-1,12.2);
\coordinate (C15) at (-2,11.7);
\coordinate (C16) at (-3.1,11);
\coordinate (C17) at (-2.6,10);
\coordinate (C18) at (-2.9,9);
\coordinate (C26) at (-4,8.2);
\coordinate (C19) at (-4.3,8);
\coordinate (C20) at (-4.9,7);
\coordinate (C21) at (-4.7,6);
\coordinate (C22) at (-3.8,5);
\coordinate (C23) at (-4.2,4);
\coordinate (C24) at (-5,3.6);
\filldraw plot [smooth cycle] coordinates { (C1) (C2) (C3) (C4) (C5) (C6) (C7) (C25) (C8) (C9) (C10)
(C11) (C12) (C13) (C14) (C15) (C16) (C17) (C18) (C26) (C19) (C20) (C21) (C22) (C23) (C24)};
\end{scope} %<----------------------- new line
\fill[fill=red] (A1) -- (A7) -- (A12) -- (A11) -- cycle;