LaTeX 中 Mendeley 引用的问题

LaTeX 中 Mendeley 引用的问题

我正在用 LaTeX 写我的硕士论文,并用它mendeley来做参考书目。从昨天开始我就遇到了一个问题:如果我的 LaTeX 文件中已经有引文,它会编译它,而如果我必须从我的图书馆中添加新的引文mendeley,结果就是(?,?)


This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.4-1.40.13 (TeX Live 2012)
(format=pdflatex 2012.6.30) 9 OCT 2014 12:51 entering extended mode
restricted \write18 enabled. %&-line parsing enabled.

! Emergency stop. <*> library.tex

*** (job aborted, file error in nonstop mode)

pps:这是一个包含简单的 LaTeX 文件和两个 .bib 条目的示例(不要看参考书目文件,这就是我添加这两个条目的原因……)

\author{Bernardo Fiorini } 
\begin{document} \maketitle 
\section{Let's try} 
\lipsum \cite{Bang2009} 


 author = {Baumgartner, Thomas and Esslen, Michaela and J\"{a}ncke, Lutz},
issn = {0167-8760}, 
 journal = {International Journal of Psychophysiology}, 
 month = apr, 
number = {1}, 
pages = {34--43}, 
publisher = {Elsevier}, 
title = {{From emotion perception to emotion experience: emotions evoked by pictures and classical music.}}, 
volume = {60}, year = {2006} 


author = {Bang, Hyejin and Won, Doyeon and Kim, Yongjae}, 
journal = {Event Management}, pages = {69--81}, 
title = {{Motivations, Commitment, and Intentions to continue volunteering for sporting events}}, 
volume = {13}, 
year = {2009} 


我认为你的问题不是 Mendeley,而是你的 TeX/LaTeX 发行版过时了。


这是 pdfTeX,版本 3.1415926-2.4-1.40.13(TeX Live 2012)(format=pdflatex 2012.6.30)2014 年 10 月 9 日 12:51 进入扩展模式限制 \write18 已启用。%&-line 解析已启用。

TeX Live 当前版本是 2014。




编译自pdflatex, bibtex, pdflatex,pdflatex

顺便说一句:使用 不是一个好主意title={{}},标题的大小写应该留给样式来决定,只是保护{}绝对不应该用小写的单词(用一对)。即使这本书的名字是我的精彩书书名的格式仍由出版商决定。

 author = {Baumgartner, Thomas and Esslen, Michaela and J\"{a}ncke, Lutz},
issn = {0167-8760}, 
 journal = {International Journal of Psychophysiology}, 
 month = apr, 
number = {1}, 
pages = {34--43}, 
publisher = {Elsevier}, 
title = {{From emotion perception to emotion experience: emotions evoked by pictures and classical music.}}, 
volume = {60}, year = {2006} 
author = {Bang, Hyejin and Won, Doyeon and Kim, Yongjae}, 
journal = {Event Management}, pages = {69--81}, 
title = {{Motivations, Commitment, and Intentions to continue volunteering for sporting events}}, 
volume = {13}, 
year = {2009} 

\author{Bernardo Fiorini } 
\begin{document} \maketitle 
\section{Let's try} 
\lipsum \cite{Bang2009} 
