所以我在 biblatex-chicago 的实施方面遇到了问题。当我编译文档时,只有每个引文的部分信息真正进入文档,而且它似乎与信息在 .bib 文件中出现的顺序有关。我该如何解决这个问题?
Rameau's work was very important in that it became the foundation of the study of music theory which continues to this day. Later the earliest formal definition of "tonality" was given by the Belgian composer Joseph Fetis,\footcite{Dahlhaus1990,Reti1978} though the word was used earlier by Alexandre Choron.\footcite{Choron1810}
.bib 文件:
author = {Choron, Alexandre},
year = {1810},
title = {Dictionnaire historique des musiciens artistes et amateurs, morts ou vivants: qui se sont illustrés en une partie quelconque de la musique et des arts qui y sont relatifs ... ; précédé d'un sommaire de l'histoire de la musique}
publisher = {Valade et Lenormant},
address = {Paris}
author = {David Cope},
year = {2001},
title = {New Directions in Music}
edition = {Seventh},
publisher = {Waveland Press},
address = {Prospect Heights, III}
author = {Carl Dahlhaus},
year = {1990},
title = {Studies on the origin of harmonic tonality}
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
address = {41 William Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540}
author = {Jean-Philippe Rameau},
translator = {Philip Goessett}
year = {1722},
title = {Studies on the origin of harmonic tonality}
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
address = {41 William Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540}
author = {Rudolph Reti},
year = {1978},
title = {Tonality, atonality, pantonality :a study of some trends in twentieth century music}
publisher = {Greenwood Publishing Group},
address = {Westport, CT}
author = {Heinrich Schenker},
translator = {Elisabeth Mann Borgese}
editor = {Oswald Jones}
year = {1954},
title = {Harmony}
publisher = {The University of Chicago Press},
author = {Arnold Schoenberg},
year = {1911},
title = {Theory of Harmony}
translator = {Roy E. Carter}
publisher = {Faber and Faber},
- 卡尔·达尔豪斯,《和声调性起源研究》(1990 年);鲁道夫·雷蒂,《调性、无调性、泛调性:对二十世纪音乐某些趋势的研究》(1978 年)。
- 亚历山大·肖隆 (Alexandre Choron),《艺术家和业余音乐家历史词典》(已故或生者):这本书说明了音乐和艺术的一部分,并且与之相关......;摘自《音乐史概要》(1810 年)。
肖伦,亚历山大。艺术家和业余音乐家、死者或生者历史词典:这些是音乐和艺术的一部分,它们与...相关;以下是关于音乐史的摘要。 1810年。
达尔豪斯,卡尔。关于和声调性起源的研究。1990 年。
拉莫,让-菲利普(Jean-Philippe Rameau)。译者:Philip Goessett。
雷蒂,鲁道夫。调性、无调性、泛调性:对二十世纪音乐某些趋势的研究。1978 年。
申克,海因里希 (Heinrich Schenker)。伊丽莎白·曼·博尔赫斯 (Elisabeth Mann Borgese) 译。
勋伯格,阿诺德。《和声理论》。1911 年。
,这意味着文件无法正确解析。此外,您还需要向 传递一些其他选项biblatex-chicago
,则使用 、 、 进行编译pdflatex musicbib
,biber musicbib
然后进行pdflatex musicbib
% These are needed for UTF8 characters to render properly with latex or pdflatex engines
% Note added options to specify notes-and-bibliography format, biber as backend engine, and encoding of biber file as utf8
% Note different command for adding bibliography file
% Just for example on TeX.SX: produces external .bib file
author = {Choron, Alexandre},
year = 1810, % braces not needed for numeric data
title = {Dictionnaire historique des musiciens artistes et amateurs, morts ou vivants: qui se sont illustrés en une partie quelconque de la musique et des arts qui y sont relatifs ... ; précédé d'un sommaire de l'histoire de la musique}, % comma was missing
shorttitle = {Dictionnaire historique}, % shorttitle is used in subsequent citations
publisher = {Valade et Lenormant},
location = {Paris} % Location, not "address"
author = {Carl Dahlhaus},
year = {1990},
title = {Studies on the Origin of Harmonic Tonality}, % comma was missing
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
location = {Princeton} % only the city is needed
author = {Rudolph Reti},
year = 1978,
title = {Tonality, Atonality, Pantonality:
A Study of Some Trends in Twentieth Century Music}, % comma was missing
shorttitle = {Tonality, Atonality, Pantonality},
publisher = {Greenwood Publishing Group},
location = {Westport, CT}
% Note also spelling of Gossett's name
Rameau's work was very important in that it became the foundation of the study of music theory which continues to this day.
Later the earliest formal definition of ``tonality'' % Note LaTeX-style quotation marks for curly quotes
was given by the Belgian composer Joseph Fétis,\autocite{Dahlhaus1990,Reti1978} % Note \autocite command, by default gives footnote citation (also missing accent on Fétis)
though the word was used earlier by Alexandre Choron.\autocite{Choron1810}