texdoc 未找到任何包的结果

texdoc 未找到任何包的结果


$ sudo yum install texlive-commath-doc
<yum noise snipped>
Running Transaction
  Installing : 2:texlive-commath-doc-svn15878.0.3-20.fc18.noarch            1/1 
  Verifying  : 2:texlive-commath-doc-svn15878.0.3-20.fc18.noarch            1/1 

  texlive-commath-doc.noarch 2:svn15878.0.3-20.fc18                             

$ texdoc commath
/usr/share/texlive/texmf-local/lsR19748.tmp/ls-R: Permission denied
/usr/share/texlive/texmf-local/lsR19748.tmp/ls-r: Permission denied
/usr/share/texlive/texmf-local/lsR19748.tmp/ls-R: Permission denied
/usr/share/texlive/texmf-local/lsR19748.tmp/ls-r: Permission denied
/usr/share/texlive/texmf-local/lsR19748.tmp/aliases: Permission denied
Sorry, no documentation found for commath.
If you are unsure about the name, try searching CTAN's TeX catalogue at

我需要指定/安装什么才能使其工作? 还有其他选择吗?

顺便说一句,我对适用于 Emacs 的解决方案更感兴趣(手册页或信息页就很棒)。



我发现 search.tlu 的代码不会创建数据库,因此texdoc根本无法搜索。以下是我修改后的相关代码:

-- populate the doc_roots filename databases
function init_texdocs_database()
    doc_roots = {}
    local sep = (os.type == 'windows') and ';' or ':'
    local kpse_texdocs = kpse.expand_var("$TEXDOCS")
    -- expand the path and turn it into a lua list
    local raw_doc_roots = string.explode(kpse.expand_braces(kpse_texdocs), sep)
    local max = #raw_doc_roots + 1
    for j, dir in ipairs(raw_doc_roots) do
        local i = max - j
        local n
        local path, db
        -- get path, !! and // values
        dir, n = string.gsub(dir, '//$', '')
        local recursion_allowed = (n == 1)
        local path, n = string.gsub (dir, '^!!', '')
        local index_mandatory = (n == 1)
        deb_print('texdocs', string.format(
            'texdocs[%d] = %s (index_mandatory=%s, recursion_allowed=%s)',
            i, path, tostring(index_mandatory), tostring(recursion_allowed)))
        -- decide if we should use a ls-R index, the filesystem, or do nothing
        local root, shift = lsr_root(path)
        if root and shift and recursion_allowed then
            deb_print('texdocs', string.format(
                'texdocs[%d] using index: %s (shift=%s)', i, root, shift))
            db = init_lsr_db(root, shift)
        elseif not index_mandatory and lfs.isdir(path) then
            deb_print('texdocs', string.format(
                'texdocs[%d] using filesystem search', i))
            -- db = init_tree_db(path, recursion_allowed)
            -- Above was the original code, but it could never work because
            -- if you can't recurse on subdirectories of the documentation
            -- directory, there's no way you can find any files at all.
            -- I've no idea why this was the way it was.
            db = init_tree_db(path, true)
        -- register this in docroots
        doc_roots[i] = { path = path, db = db }
