包的。我正在寻找一个选项(比如下面 MWE 中的注释行)来调整项目(项目task
)内行之间的间距。我在文档中找不到这样的选项。有没有办法减少 MWE 中任务 a) 或任务 b) 中的行间距?
\def\sample{This is some sample text we will use to create a somewhat longer text spanning more than a line.}
%\settasks{interline-space = 1em} % "interline-space" doesn't exist
\task line 1\\ line 2
\task \sample\ \sample \\ \sample
\task \sample\par\sample
\def\sample{This is some sample text we will use to create a somewhat longer text spanning more than a line.}
%\settasks{interline-space = 1em} % "interline-space" doesn't exist
\task line 1\\ line 2
\task \sample\ \sample \\ \sample
\task \sample\par\sample
This is some sample text we will use to create a somewhat longer text spanning more than a line. This is some sample text we will use to create a somewhat longer text spanning more than a line. This is some sample text we will use to create a somewhat longer text spanning more than a line.