


1)table/longtable 应该位于页面的中心


在环境中使用\centering命令\table满足第一个要求(longtable 默认居中)

我找到了一种满足表格第二个要求的方法 - 使用\usepackage{floatrow}并重新格式化所有表格\ttabbox{}{}。但有两个缺点:

  • 我不知道如何将它与 longtable 一起使用

  • \usepackage{floatrow}使长表位于页面左侧


\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, final, oneside, titlepage]{article}

Table should be positioned at the center of the page, and caption should be positioned between left and right edge of table (aligned to left edge)

    \caption{Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very long caption}
        a & b & c \\ \hline
        1 & 2 & 3 \\ \hline

Longtable  should positioned at the center of the page, and caption should be positioned between left and right edge of table (aligned to left edge)


    \caption{Very,  very, very, very, very, very, very, very  very, very, very, very, very, very, very long caption} \\

    a & b \\ \hline

    \multicolumn{2}{l}{Short caption} \\
    a & b \\ \hline

    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline       
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
    Some string & c \\ \hline
