


第一次改进是否有可能实现完全相同的行为,但不影响行间空间 - 即标签应与普通文本重叠?为了清晰地阅读标签,标签应具有白色背景(或更一般地说,与页面背景具有相同的背景颜色)。


为什么其他套餐不能让我满意通常,在草稿模式下,我会使用todonotessoul(以及一些边注)来记录评论。至于后者,问题在于突出显示的文本和边注是两个不同的东西。在我看来,前者在语义上更正确,但由于评论插入在某个点中,因此评论所指的内容并不清楚,而 jakun 的解决方案提供了一个以文本的一部分作为参数的标签。此外,从纯粹的美学角度来看,jakun 的解决方案更美观。


  1. 我添加了一个布尔值选项smash。如果为真,则标签(和线条)不会影响 tikzpicture 的高度。(现在text ysep不再影响高度。)



  2. 我已将新值添加到以pos结尾的键中abs,用于绝对(水平)位置。这些值将尝试将标签的左/右侧相对于文本的右/左边框进行定位。


    我使用了一种相当简单的算法来计算边距的大小。如果(\oddsidemargin\evensidemargin不相等)标签出现在同一个段落的分页符之后,它将失败(它将使用上一页的边距,因为它不知道它已经分页到下一页)。如果发生这种情况,您可以_offset x手动设置为我定义的边距命令之一(可能前面有一个减号)。

    \label使用和\pageref可以实现更加强大但更加困难的实现(需要两次运行) 。

    如果您不想担心这个问题,您可以将其设置_offset x为零,_anchor label水平翻转,取反shift x并相对于页面边框定位标签。

  3. 我添加了一些额外的新功能:

    • pos键值的左侧计数器部分
    • line style我对原始问题的答案的编辑建议
    • 其中label style值如text width, align, draw, fill,rounded corners可以应用Z 文档
    • 你可以pos = above left absabove left abs


% --------------- margins ---------------



% --------------- def options ---------------


    % geometry
    shift x/.initial = 1.5em,
    shift y/.initial = .2em,
    slope width/.initial = .3em,
    text xsep/.initial  = .1em,
    text ysep/.initial  = .1em,
    label xsep/.initial = .3333em,
    label ysep/.initial = .3333em,
    smash/.is if = smashmylabel,
    xref/.initial = inline,
    % colors
    line color/.initial  = black,
    text color/.initial  = black,
    label color/.initial = black,
    color/.style = {line color=#1, label color=#1},
    % styles
    line style/.initial =,
    label style/.initial =,
    % label position shortcuts
    /mylabel/pos/.is choice,
    /mylabel/pos/above/.style = {pos=above right},
    /mylabel/pos/below/.style = {pos=below right},
    % label positions relative x
    /mylabel/pos/below right/.style = {%
        _anchor label  = north west,
        _sign x        =  ,
        _sign y        = -,
        _line pos      = south,
        xref           = inline,
        _offset x      = 0pt,
    /mylabel/pos/above right/.style = {%
        _anchor label  = south west,
        _sign x        =  ,
        _sign y        =  ,
        _line pos      = north,
        xref           = inline,
        _offset x      = 0pt,
    /mylabel/pos/below left/.style = {%
        _anchor label  = north east,
        _sign x        = -,
        _sign y        = -,
        _line pos      = south,
        xref           = inline,
        _offset x      = 0pt,
    /mylabel/pos/above left/.style = {%
        _anchor label  = south east,
        _sign x        = -,
        _sign y        =  ,
        _line pos      = north,
        xref           = inline,
        _offset x      = 0pt,
    % label positions absolute x
    /mylabel/pos/below right abs/.style = {%
        _anchor label  = north west,
        _sign x        =  ,
        _sign y        = -,
        _line pos      = south,
        xref           = current page.east,
        _offset x      = -\marginright,
        smash          = true,
    /mylabel/pos/above right abs/.style = {%
        _anchor label  = south west,
        _sign x        =  ,
        _sign y        =  ,
        _line pos      = north,
        xref           = current page.east,
        _offset x      = -\marginright,
        smash          = true,
    /mylabel/pos/below left abs/.style = {%
        _anchor label  = north east,
        _sign x        = -,
        _sign y        = -,
        _line pos      = south,
        xref           = current page.west,
        _offset x      = \marginleft,
        smash          = true,
    /mylabel/pos/above left abs/.style = {%
        _anchor label  = south east,
        _sign x        = -,
        _sign y        =  ,
        _line pos      = north,
        xref           = current page.west,
        _offset x      = \marginleft,
        smash          = true,
    % internal
    _anchor label/.initial,
    _line pos/.initial,
    _sign x/.initial,
    _sign y/.initial,
    _offset x/.initial,
    % struts
    inline strut/.initial=\vphantom{Ap},
    label strut/.initial=\strut,
    % try pos if key is unknown
    % based on pgfmanual page 900
    % I don't know why `.search also` does not work instead
    .unknown/.code = {%


% --------------- init options ---------------

    pos = below,

% --------------- \mylabel command ---------------

\newcommand{\mylabel}[3][]{% [#1: options], #2: inline text, #3: label text
    % process options
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, baseline=(inline.base)]
        % draw inline text
            inner xsep = \pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/text xsep},
            inner ysep = 0pt,
            text = \pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/text color},
        ] (inline) {\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/inline strut}#2};
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        % draw label
        \pgfkeys{/mylabel/label style/.get=\tmpLabelStyle}
        \node (label) [
            xshift = \pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/_sign x}\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/shift x} + \pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/_offset x},
            yshift = \pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/_sign y}\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/shift y},
            anchor = \pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/_anchor label},
            inner xsep = \pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/label xsep},
            inner ysep = \pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/label ysep},
            text = \pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/label color},
            /utils/exec = \expandafter \pgfkeysalso \expandafter {\tmpLabelStyle},
        ] at (\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/xref} |- inline.\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/_line pos})
        {\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/label strut}#3};

        % draw lines
        \coordinate (line-w) at ([yshift = \pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/_sign y}\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/text ysep}] inline.\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/_line pos} west);
        \coordinate (line-e) at ([yshift = \pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/_sign y}\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/text ysep}] inline.\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/_line pos} east);
        \coordinate (line-c) at ([yshift = \pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/_sign y}\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/text ysep}] inline.\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/_line pos});

        \pgfkeys{/mylabel/line style/.get=\tmpLineStyle}%
        \expandafter \draw \expandafter [\tmpLineStyle, draw=\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/line color}]
            (line-w) -- (line-e)
            (line-c) -- ([xshift=\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/_sign x}\pgfkeysvalueof{/mylabel/slope width}] line-c |- label) -- (label);

        % set bounding box
                (inline.south west) rectangle (inline.north east)
                (inline |- label.south) rectangle (inline |- label.north)

% --------------- test document ---------------

    line color  = orange,
    text color  = blue,
    label color = green,
    pos = below right abs,

    text \mylabel[above left abs]{part}{label~1} of a \mylabel{sentence}{label~2}
    text \mylabel[above left abs]{part}{label~1} of a \mylabel{sentence}{label~2}


label style使用方法示例:

    label strut = ,
    label style = {text width=5em, draw=gray, fill=yellow!10!white, rounded corners,},
    pos/above left abs/.append style = {label style/.append={align=flush right}},
    pos/above right abs/.append style = {label style/.append={align=flush left}},



  • 它叫 Z xshift,是我给它命名的shift x
  • shift x更像是距离而不是偏移,反转方向时其值会自动取反。(不同于_offset x正值表示右,负值表示左。)

