





  • 页面的默认高度是一个参数defaultLength
  • 还有另一个参数:initialVerticalInset
  • 第一页的高度应该是defaultLength - initialVerticalInset
  • 最后一页的高度等于“其内容的高度”,即“最后一页位于”其内容结束后
  • 所有其他页面的高度都等于defaultLength


  • 如果将任何页面放在另一页面旁边,则基线应该对齐
  • 如果可能的话,宏应该兼容mdframed


\setlength{\maxdepth}{0pt}% to address the "third bug"
\setlength{\topskip}{0pt}% no space above the first line

% assuming the page number is the absolute page number

\providecommand*{\zsaveposy}{\zsavepos}% for older zref-savepos
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\usepackage{lipsum}% provides dummy text


\vspace*{\dimexpr5cm-\topskip plus 1fill}% first page should not be larger than 15cm

失败的 MWE

这是显示该问题的 MWE。第一页应该有正常高度。但是,它比较短。




\setlength{\maxdepth}{0pt}% to address the "third bug"
\setlength{\topskip}{0pt}% no space above the first line

% assuming the page number is the absolute page number

\providecommand*{\zsaveposy}{\zsavepos}% for older zref-savepos
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\usepackage{lipsum}% provides dummy text


\vspace*{\dimexpr0.000cm-\topskip plus 1fill}

This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it?

This is a test:
\item Hello

\item This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test.

\item Good Bye

\item Hello

\item This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test.

This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it?

This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it?

This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it? This is a test. This is a longer sentence with some more words, isn't it?




%\setlength{\maxdepth}{0pt}% to address the "third bug"
%\setlength{\topskip}{0pt}% no space above the first line

%\vspace*{\dimexpr0.000cm-\topskip plus 1fill}

