acro 包和 Greek babel 有问题吗?

acro 包和 Greek babel 有问题吗?


起初错误与 babel 和 greek 有关,bunt 现在运行正常。我现在的问题是缩写,而昨天还运行正常。

我的 MWE:

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Acronyms
 short = LBD , 
 long = Lipoproteinas de baja densidad ,
 foreign = Low-Density Lipoprotein
 short = VOP , 
 long = Velocidad de onda de pulso ,
 foreign = Pulse Wave Velocity
 short = IFS , 
 long = Interacción fluido-sólido ,
 foreign = Fluid-Solid/Structure Interaction

 short = HGO , 
 long = modelo de Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden

 short = AHA , 
 long = Asociación Americana del Corazón ,
 foreign = American Heart Asociation
 short = WSS , 
 long = Esfuerzo cortante de pared ,
 foreign = Wall Shear Stress

 short = ADINA ,
 long  =  Automatic Dynamic Incremental Nonlinear Analysis ,
 class = software



Es un término genérico\sidenote{Del griego {\selectlanguage{greek} \textgreek{'arthr'ia}} \emph{arteria} y {\selectlanguage{greek} \textgreek{skl'hrwsic}} \emph{cicatriz, rigidez}.} que fue creado por Jean Georges Chrétien Frédéric Martin Lobstein.

Este capítulo tiene como objetivo proporcionar una descripción de las ecuaciones matemáticas que rigen y el algoritmo desarrollado para la modelación computacional \ac{ifs} del flujo sanguíneo y las geometrías del modelo utilizadas en el estudio.

La \ac{dfc} descompone la geometría en pequeñas celdas y por tanto tiene como objetivo resolver las ecuaciones que rigen para cada celda.

En la actualidad, varios paquetes de software como \ac{adina} proporcionan esta capacidad. Todos estos programas emplean el método de elementos finitos para resolver las ecuaciones de flujo. Este es el método preferido para resolver simulaciones \ac{ifs} de problemas estructurales, ya que es uno de los mejores métodos disponibles. 

\printacronyms[include-classes=software, name={Software}]    


! Improper alphabetic constant.
<to be read again>
l.186 \cnltx@tmpa
A one-character control sequence belongs after a ` mark.
So I'm essentially inserting \0 here.
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>


! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> 2\0
9/\9/17 v1.1 Trim spaces around a token list
l.6 Trim spaces around a token list]
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.





\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{scrreprt}  % KOMA report class

\usepackage{acro}  % Define and list acronyms (load before {babel})
\usepackage[greek, UKenglish]{babel}  % Provides language support (load after {acro})



这是 中的一个错误cnltx-base.sty。问题出在cnltx-base.sty

179 \edef\cnltx@tmpa{\catcode`\%=\the\catcode`\% \catcode`\&=\the\catcode`\&}


179 \edef\cnltx@tmpa{\catcode`\noexpand\%=\the\catcode`\% \catcode`\noexpand\&=\the\catcode`\& }



> \&=macro:
->\LGR-cmd \&\LGR\& .

当 Greek 被加载时,由 触发的这个宏的扩展\edef对于定义来说是完全无用的。第二个没有问题,\&因为它被检查为 扩展的一部分\the,所以 TeX 不会扩展它。



175 % an idea by Herbert Voß (
176 %   make the test character an (hopefully extremely) unlikely % with
177 %   catcode!=14;  let's make & a temporary comment char
178 %   save both catcodes just in case someone changed the defaults:
179 \edef\cnltx@tmpa{\catcode`\%=\the\catcode`\% \catcode`\&=\the\catcode`\&}
180 \catcode`\%=3
181 \catcode`\&=14
182 & the test:
183 \newcommand*\cnltx@ifisnum[1]{&
184   \iftest{\if%\ifnum9<1#1%\else_\fi}&
185 }
186 \cnltx@tmpa


% an idea by Herbert Voß (
%   make the test character an (hopefully extremely) unlikely % with
%   catcode!=14 
% the test:
  \catcode`\$=\thr@@ % ensure it's what we want
  \lccode`\1=\z@ % just to be really sure
  \lccode`\9=\z@ % just to be really sure
  \lccode`\_=\z@ % just to be really sure
  \lccode`\#=\z@ % just to be really sure
  \lccode`\<=\z@ % just to be really sure
