

需要在 tikz/pgfplots 3.0 下进行以下输出:



(i) 箭头末端的文字(而不是渐变)(每个箭头末端有足够的空间可写 +/- 10-15 个字符)(ii) 每个象限都有自己的颜色,并逐渐淡入相邻的象限。如何实现这一点?



\documentclass[tikz,border=3mm] {standalone}
    > = angle 45,
       node distance = 0mm,
mynode/.style n args = {3}{name=n#1,
                           fading angle=#2,
                           scope fading=south, minimum size=33mm, text opacity=1}
\node[mynode={1}{45}{red}]                  {indeterminate axis};
\node[mynode={2}{315}{teal},right=of n1]    {left  axis deviation};
\node[mynode={3}{135}{cyan}, below=of n1]   {right axis deviation};
\node[mynode={4}{225}{orange},right=of n3]  {normal axis};
\draw[<->]  (n1.south west) node[left]      {+\SI{180}{\degree}} -- 
            (n2.south east) node[right]     { \SI{0}{\degree}};
\draw[<->]  (n3.south east) node[below]     {+\SI{90}{\degree}} --
            (n1.north east) node[above]     {-\SI{90}{\degree}};


编辑: 发送我的答案后,我发现这text opacity没有任何效果。如果您不想在象限中淡化文本,则需要单独编写它们,如下所示:

mynode/.style n args = {3}{name=n#1,
                           fading angle=#2,
                           scope fading=south, minimum size=33mm,
                           node contents={}}
\node[mynode={2}{315}{teal},right=of n1];
\node[mynode={3}{135}{cyan},below=of n1];
\node[mynode={4}{225}{orange},right=of n3];
    \node[at=(n1.center)]   {indeterminate axis};
    \node[at=(n2.center)]   {left  axis deviation};
    \node[at=(n3.center)]   {right axis deviation};
    \node[at=(n4.center)]   {normal axis};


\draw[thick,<->]  (n1.south west) node[left]      {+\SI{180}{\degree}} --
            (n2.south east) node[right]     { \SI{0}{\degree}};
\draw[thick,<->]  (n3.south east) node[below]     {+\SI{90}{\degree}} --
            (n1.north east) node[above]     {-\SI{90}{\degree}};


为了合并每个象限的颜色,您可以尝试bilinear interpolation阴影,尽管这对于某些查看器来说效果不太好PDF

\documentclass[tikz, border=5]{standalone}
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth, x=2.5cm, y=2.5cm]    
\path [shading=bilinear interpolation,
  upper left=red,  upper right=green, 
  lower left=blue, lower right=cyan] (-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);
\draw [<->] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
\draw [<->] (0,-1) -- (0,1);
\foreach \text [count=\i] in {-90,+180,+90,0}
  \node [anchor=\i*90+180] at (\i*90:1) {$\text^\circ$};
\foreach \text [count=\i from 0] in {Indeterminate\\axis,Right axis\\deviation,Normal axis,Left axis\\deviation}
  \node [align=center,font=\footnotesize] at (\i*90+135:.75) {\text};



这里尝试在中间添加一个白色“洞”。我猜这可以通过淡入淡出或其他方法来实现,但我使用了自定义的 PostScript 阴影。不过我不确定 PostScript 代码是否足够强大。

还必须说明阴影用于设置角落颜色的键,因为这些键会自动将阴影设置为bilinear interpolation

\documentclass[tikz, border=5]{standalone}
\pgfdeclarefunctionalshading[lower left,lower right,upper left,upper right]{bilinear interpolation with white center}
  \pgfshadecolortorgb{lower left}{\colll}\pgfshadecolortorgb{lower right}{\collr}
  \pgfshadecolortorgb{upper right}{\colur}\pgfshadecolortorgb{upper left}{\colul}
 2 copy
  25 sub 50 div exch 25 sub 50 div 2 copy            
  neg 1 add exch neg 1 add                   
  3 1 roll 2 copy exch 5 2 roll 6 copy 6 copy  
  \colllred mul exch \collrred mul add mul   
  4 1 roll
  \colurred mul exch \colulred mul add mul
  13 1 roll
  \colllgreen mul exch \collrgreen mul add mul   
  4 1 roll
  \colurgreen mul exch \colulgreen mul add mul
  7 1 roll
  \colllblue mul exch \collrblue mul add mul  
  4 1 roll
  \colurblue mul exch \colulblue mul add mul
  5 3 roll
  50 sub 100 div exch 50 sub 100 div  
  dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 2 sqrt div 5 mul 
  dup neg 1 add exch 2 copy 2 copy 
  9 -1 roll mul add 3 1 roll 7 -1 roll mul add 4 2 roll 5 -1 roll mul add

\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth, x=2.5cm, y=2.5cm]    
\path [upper left=red,  upper right=green, 
  lower left=blue, lower right=cyan,
  shading=bilinear interpolation with white center] (-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);

\draw [<->] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
\draw [<->] (0,-1) -- (0,1);
\foreach \text [count=\i] in {-90,+180,+90,0}
  \node [anchor=\i*90+180] at (\i*90:1) {$\text^\circ$};
\foreach \text [count=\i from 0] in {Indeterminate\\axis,Right axis\\deviation,Normal axis,Left axis\\deviation}
  \node [align=center,font=\footnotesize] at (\i*90+135:.75) {\text};




\documentclass[tikz, border=5]{standalone}
\pgfdeclarefunctionalshading[lower left,lower right,upper left,upper right,center]{bilinear interpolation with center}
  \pgfshadecolortorgb{lower left}{\colll}\pgfshadecolortorgb{lower right}{\collr}
  \pgfshadecolortorgb{upper right}{\colur}\pgfshadecolortorgb{upper left}{\colul}
  2 copy
  % Following is the same as bilinear shading code
  25 sub 50 div exch 25 sub 50 div 2 copy            
  neg 1 add exch neg 1 add                   
  3 1 roll 2 copy exch 5 2 roll 6 copy 6 copy  
  \colllred mul exch \collrred mul add mul   
  4 1 roll
  \colurred mul exch \colulred mul add mul
  13 1 roll
  \colllgreen mul exch \collrgreen mul add mul   
  4 1 roll
  \colurgreen mul exch \colulgreen mul add mul
  7 1 roll
  \colllblue mul exch \collrblue mul add mul  
  4 1 roll
  \colurblue mul exch \colulblue mul add mul
  % Now do the centre...
  5 3 roll
  50 sub 50 div exch 50 sub 50 div  
  dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 2 mul 
  dup neg 1 add exch 2 copy 2 copy 
  9 -1 roll mul exch \colcnred mul add 
  3  1 roll 
  7 -1 roll mul exch \colcngreen mul add 
  4  2 roll 
  5 -1 roll mul exch \colcnblue mul add

\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth, x=2.5cm, y=2.5cm]
\foreach \c [count=\i from 0] in {black, white, purple, orange}{   
\path [upper left=red,  upper right=green, 
  lower left=blue, lower right=cyan, center=\c,
  shading=bilinear interpolation with center] ({mod(\i,2)*2.5},{int(\i/2)*2.5}) rectangle ++(2,2);


