在 moderncv 中使 \cventry 字段全部对齐而不是对齐

在 moderncv 中使 \cventry 字段全部对齐而不是对齐

我想用moderncv它来写简历。使用\cventry(好吧,实际上使用任何 moderncv 环境)可以使所有文本对齐,但我希望它在整个文档中都是不对齐的。这是一个 MWE:






\section{Using cventry:}
\cventry{year--year}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, AS YOU CAN PLAINLY SEE}{THIS IS ALSO JUSTIFIED}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, TOO}{AND THIS IS JUSTIFIED AS WELL}{I would like all this stuff to be raggedright, however. The "year-year" is not important. }


我尝试编辑 moderncv.cls 和 moderncvstyleclassic.sty,但没有找到将“justified”改为“raggedright”的方法。


可以选择使用 cvline 并\raggedright在第二个参数中传递它(并手动进行所有格式化),但这似乎是一种我希望避免的蛮力解决方案。


根据 David 和 Werner 的解决方案进行编辑:

这是包含更多内容但没有解决方案的 MWE。






\section{Using cventry:}

\cventry{year--year}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, AS YOU CAN PLAINLY SEE}{THIS IS ALSO JUSTIFIED}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, TOO}{AND THIS IS JUSTIFIED AS WELL}{I would like all this stuff to be raggedright, however. The "year-year" is not important. }

\cventry{year--year}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, AS YOU CAN PLAINLY SEE}{THIS IS ALSO JUSTIFIED}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, TOO}{AND THIS IS JUSTIFIED AS WELL}{I would like all this stuff to be raggedright, however. The "year-year" is not important. }

\cventry{year--year}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, AS YOU CAN PLAINLY SEE}{THIS IS ALSO JUSTIFIED}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, TOO}{AND THIS IS JUSTIFIED AS WELL}{I would like all this stuff to be raggedright, however. The "year-year" is not important. }

\section{Using cventry:}

\cventry{year--year}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, AS YOU CAN PLAINLY SEE}{THIS IS ALSO JUSTIFIED}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, TOO}{AND THIS IS JUSTIFIED AS WELL}{I would like all this stuff to be raggedright, however. The "year-year" is not important. }

\cventry{year--year}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, AS YOU CAN PLAINLY SEE}{THIS IS ALSO JUSTIFIED}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, TOO}{AND THIS IS JUSTIFIED AS WELL}{I would like all this stuff to be raggedright, however. The "year-year" is not important. }

\cventry{year--year}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, AS YOU CAN PLAINLY SEE}{THIS IS ALSO JUSTIFIED}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, TOO}{AND THIS IS JUSTIFIED AS WELL}{I would like all this stuff to be raggedright, however. The "year-year" is not important. }


这是解决方案生成的 pdf 的屏幕截图;抱歉质量不太好,我们很快地将其拼接起来了。

如您所见,Werner 的解决方案似乎在 <code>\cventry</code> 之间添加了一些空格(与采用标准对齐的 MWE 相比,而 David 的解决方案却没有。不知道为什么。

如您所见,Werner 的解决方案似乎在\cventrys 之间添加了一些空格(与采用标准对齐的 MWE 相比),而 David 的解决方案却没有。不知道为什么。如果两者同时使用,空格会保留。

因此,我对这两种解决方案都投了赞成票,但认为 David 的答案是正确的。非常感谢您的快速帮助!





    \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{, {\slshape#4}}%
    \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{, #5}%
    \ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, #6}%
      \else{\begin{minipage}[t]{\linewidth}\small\raggedright #7\end{minipage}}\fi}}




\section{Using cventry:}
\cventry{year--year}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, AS YOU CAN PLAINLY SEE}{THIS IS ALSO JUSTIFIED}{THIS IS JUSTIFIED, TOO}{AND THIS IS JUSTIFIED AS WELL}{I would like all this stuff to be raggedright, however. The "year-year" is not important. }




% \xpatchcmd{<cmd>}{<search>}{<replace>}{<success>}{<failure>}
\xpatchcmd{\cvitem}{#3}{\raggedright #3\par}{}{}

