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\section{ acidityGIS : la coopérative comme levier d'adaptation}
Le changement climatique serait donc une contrainte forte qui viendrait s'ajouter à celles qui pesent déjà sur la viticulture \autocite{jones_climate_2005, nemani_asymmetric_2001, white_extreme_2006}.
Les enjeux deviennent donc de plus en plus pressant, et des controverses apparaissent quand aux devenir de la viticulture (\textcite{hannah_climate_2013} \textsc{vs} \textcite{van_leeuwen_why_2013}). Si le changement climatique n'est pas contesté, ce sont les capacités des viticulteurs à tirer profit de leur environnement et de pratique cultural qui sont encore aujourd'hui à explorer. \\
\section{Modelisation empirique}
Un ensemble de travaux abordent ces questions sous des aspects aussi divers que : la génétique et la phénologie de la vigne \autocite{duchene_towards_2012}, les aspects sociaux \autocite{viguie_viticulture_2014}, des pratiques culturales \autocite{herrero-langreo_mapping_2013} ou encore sous l'angle climatologique et spatial \autocite{moriondo_projected_2013, quenol_multi-scale_2014, briche_critical_2014}. Dans ce papier nous proposons de nous intéresser à cette question sous l'angle de la modélisation multi-agent.
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我的 exemple_overflow.bib 文件是:
title = {Why climate change will not dramatically decrease viticultural suitability in main wine-producing areas by 2050},
volume = {110},
issn = {0027-8424, 1091-6490},
url = {http://www.pnas.org/content/110/33/E3051},
doi = {10.1073/pnas.1307927110},
pages = {E3051--E3052},
number = {33},
journaltitle = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
shortjournal = {{PNAS}},
author = {Van Leeuwen, Cornelis and Schultz, Hans R. and Cortazar-Atauri, Iñaki Garcia de and Duchêne, Eric and Ollat, Nathalie and Pieri, Philippe and Bois, Benjamin and Goutouly, Jean-Pascal and Quénol, Hervé and Touzard, Jean-Marc and Malheiro, Aureliano C. and Bavaresco, Luigi and Delrot, Serge},
urldate = {2014-08-28},
date = {2013-08-13},
langid = {english},
pmid = {23792579}
title = {Projected shifts of wine regions in response to climate change},
volume = {119},
issn = {0165-0009, 1573-1480},
url = {http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10584-013-0739-y},
doi = {10.1007/s10584-013-0739-y},
pages = {825--839},
number = {3},
journaltitle = {Climatic Change},
shortjournal = {Climatic Change},
author = {Moriondo, M. and Jones, G. V. and Bois, B. and Dibari, C. and Ferrise, R. and Trombi, G. and Bindi, M.},
urldate = {2014-08-28},
date = {2013-08-01},
langid = {english},
keywords = {Atmospheric Sciences, Climate Change Impacts}
title = {Extreme heat reduces and shifts United States premium wine production in the 21st century},
volume = {103},
url = {http://www.pnas.org/content/103/30/11217.short},
pages = {11217--11222},
number = {30},
journaltitle = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
author = {White, Michael A. and Diffenbaugh, N. S. and Jones, Gregory V. and Pal, J. S. and Giorgi, F.},
urldate = {2014-08-28},
date = {2006}
title = {Asymmetric warming over coastal California and its impact on the premium wine industry},
volume = {19},
url = {https://secure.ntsg.umt.edu/publications/2001/NWCJRCP01/cres19_wine_nemani_2001.pdf},
pages = {25--34},
number = {1},
journaltitle = {Climate research},
author = {Nemani, Ramakrishna R. and White, Michael A. and Cayan, Daniel R. and Jones, Gregory V. and Running, Steven W. and Coughlan, Joseph C. and Peterson, David L.},
urldate = {2014-08-28},
date = {2001}
title = {Climate change, wine, and conservation},
volume = {110},
issn = {0027-8424, 1091-6490},
url = {http://www.pnas.org/content/110/17/6907},
doi = {10.1073/pnas.1210127110},
pages = {6907--6912},
number = {17},
journaltitle = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
shortjournal = {{PNAS}},
author = {Hannah, Lee and Roehrdanz, Patrick R. and Ikegami, Makihiko and Shepard, Anderson V. and Shaw, M. Rebecca and Tabor, Gary and Zhi, Lu and Marquet, Pablo A. and Hijmans, Robert J.},
urldate = {2014-08-28},
date = {2013-04-23},
langid = {english},
pmid = {23569231}
title = {Climate Change and Global Wine Quality},
volume = {73},
issn = {0165-0009, 1573-1480},
url = {http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10584-005-4704-2},
doi = {10.1007/s10584-005-4704-2},
pages = {319--343},
number = {3},
journaltitle = {Climatic Change},
shortjournal = {Climatic Change},
author = {Jones, Gregory V. and White, Michael A. and Cooper, Owen R. and Storchmann, Karl},
urldate = {2014-08-28},
date = {2005-12-01},
langid = {english},
keywords = {Meteorology/Climatology}
title = {Mapping Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Water Status during the Season Using Carbon Isotope Ratio (δ13C) as Ancillary Data},
volume = {64},
issn = {0002-9254,},
url = {http://www.ajevonline.org/content/64/3/307},
doi = {10.5344/ajev.2013.12125},
pages = {307--315},
number = {3},
journaltitle = {American Journal of Enology and Viticulture},
shortjournal = {Am. J. Enol. Vitic.},
author = {Herrero-Langreo, Ana and Tisseyre, Bruno and Goutouly, Jean-Pascal and Scholasch, Thibaut and Leeuwen, Cornelis van},
urldate = {2014-08-29},
date = {2013-01-09},
langid = {english}
title = {A multi-scale climatic analysis of viticultural terroirs in the context of climate change : the "{TERADCLIM}" project},
url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01018092},
shorttitle = {A multi-scale climatic analysis of viticultural terroirs in the context of climate change},
pages = {23--32},
journaltitle = {International Journal of Vine and Wine Sciences},
author = {Quénol, Hervé and Bonnardot, Valérie},
urldate = {2014-08-29},
date = {2014}
title = {Towards the adaptation of grapevine varieties to climate change: {QTLs} and candidate genes for developmental stages},
volume = {124},
issn = {1432-2242},
doi = {10.1007/s00122-011-1734-1},
shorttitle = {Towards the adaptation of grapevine varieties to climate change},
pages = {623--635},
number = {4},
journaltitle = {{TAG}. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik},
shortjournal = {Theor. Appl. Genet.},
author = {Duchêne, Eric and Butterlin, Gisèle and Dumas, Vincent and Merdinoglu, Didier},
date = {2012-03},
pmid = {22052019},
keywords = {Acclimatization, Chromosome Mapping, Chromosomes, Plant, Climate change, Crosses, Genetic, Fruit, Genes, Plant, Genotype, Microsatellite Repeats, Phenotype, Quantitative Trait Loci, Vitis}
title = {Critical analysis of simulated daily temperature data from the {ARPEGE}-climate model: application to climate change in the Champagne wine-producing region},
volume = {123},
issn = {0165-0009, 1573-1480},
url = {http://hal.univ-brest.fr/hal-00931867/},
doi = {10.1007/s10584-013-1044-5},
shorttitle = {Critical analysis of simulated daily temperature data from the {ARPEGE}-climate model},
pages = {241--254},
number = {2},
journaltitle = {Climatic Change},
author = {Briche, E. and Beltrando, G. and Somot, S. and Quenol, H.},
urldate = {2014-08-29},
date = {2014-03},
langid = {english}
title = {Viticulture and Adaptation to Climate Change},
url = {http://hal-enpc.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00982086},
pages = {55--60},
journaltitle = {Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin},
author = {Viguié, Vincent and Lecocq, Franck and Touzard, Jean-Marc},
urldate = {2014-08-29},
date = {2014}