我使用下面显示的代码绘制了一个静态 CMOS 反相器。我尝试使用 TikZ 库 calc 来计算 PMOS 和 NMOS 器件漏极相交的点;以及连接两个器件栅极的线的中点。显然 calc 正确地得到了这些点的 y 坐标。但是,calc 似乎错误地得到了这些点的 x 坐标。我可能做错了什么?
以下是 TikZ 代码:
% Draw MOSFETs:
(0,0) node [pigfete,yscale=-1,anchor=S] (M1) {}
(M1.D) node[nigfete,anchor=D] (M2) {}
(M1.G)--(M2.G) % The line connecting the gates of the MOSFETs.
% Draw the power rails:
\draw ($(M1.S)-(2.0,0)$) -- (M1.S) -- ($(M1.S)+(1.2,0)$);
\draw ($(M2.S)-(2.0,0)$) -- (M2.S) -- ($(M2.S)+(1.2,0)$);
% Input and output nodes:
\node (I) at ($0.5*(M2.G)+0.5*(M1.G)$) {}; % The mid-point between the gates.
\node (O) at (M1.D) {}; % The point at which the drains of the MOSFETs are conneted.
% The Input and output lines.
\draw ($(I)-(.8,0)$) -- (I);
\draw (O) -- ($(O)+(0.8,0)$);
% Draw MOSFETs:
(0,0) node [pigfete,yscale=-1,anchor=S] (M1) {}
(M1.D) node[nigfete,anchor=D] (M2) {}
(M1.G)--(M2.G) % The line connecting the gates of the MOSFETs.
% Draw the power rails:
\draw ($(M1.S)-(2.0,0)$) -- (M1.S) -- ($(M1.S)+(1.2,0)$);
\draw ($(M2.S)-(2.0,0)$) -- (M2.S) -- ($(M2.S)+(1.2,0)$);
% Input and output nodes:
%\node (I) at ($0.5*(M2.G)+0.5*(M1.G)$) {}; % The mid-point between the gates.
\coordinate (I) at ($0.5*(M2.G)+0.5*(M1.G)$); % The mid-point between the gates.
%\node[outer sep=0pt,inner sep=0pt] (O) at (M1.D) {}; % The point at which the drains of the MOSFETs are conneted.
\coordinate (O) at (M1.D); % The point at which the drains of the MOSFETs are conneted.
% The Input and output lines.
\draw (I) -- ++(-0.8,0);
\draw (O) -- ++(0.8,0);
会在它们周围添加一定的填充(在外部,由 给出outer sep
,在内部,由 给出)inner sep
使用以下方法杀死这些 s\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] {};