

下面的 MWE 中的最后一句话被注释掉了。然后这个段落就可以正常呈现了。

\usepackage[left=1.50in, right=1.00in, top=1.00in, bottom=1.00in]{geometry}



You probably noticed that I declared all dynamic SQL variables as \lstinline[columns=fixed]{nvarchar(max)}. Sometimes it would be an overkill, but doing so relieves me from a burden of picking length for the declaration. Maximum width will accommodate virtually any dynamic SQL out there. %If it has to be merged from several variables, each of them should be declared similarly.










最后一句话或多或少是无关的,除了 TeX 在选择换行符时会考虑整个段落,并且在发布的段落中.没有选择之前的换行符(但它始终是一个合法的断点)

好的,所以我想到了\zz下面这样的东西,它会删除最后一个断点,但它并没有真正的帮助,因为到处都有断点(例如,)在这种情况下,它不会停留.在线上,列表只是在(技术上)不同的地方中断。然而,列表将其所有断点都添加为,\discretionary这意味着你可以通过设置来调整在那里中断的可取性\exhyphenpenalty(100 似乎是一个不错的值,默认值是 50),这必须在段落级别(因此对于整个文档来说最容易)。如果您只是在内联列表周围本地设置它,则不会产生任何效果。

这也会使换行foo-bar稍微不那么受欢迎,但当 tex 自动为单词连接字符时,它不会影响正常隐式连字符处的换行。



\usepackage[left=1.50in, right=1.00in, top=1.00in, bottom=1.00in]{geometry}




\def\zzzz{\setbox0\vbox{\unvbox0 \setbox2=\lastbox\global\setbox1\hbox{\unhbox2\unskip\unskip}}%
\unhbox1 }



You probably noticed that I declared all dynamic SQL variables as \lstinline[columns=fixed]{nvarchar(max)}. Sometimes it would be an overkill, but doing so relieves me from a burden of picking length for the declaration. Maximum width will accommodate virtually any dynamic SQL out there. If it has to be merged from several variables, each of them should be declared similarly.


You probably noticed that I declared all dynamic SQL variables as \lstinline[columns=fixed]{nvarchar(max)}.\linebreak Sometimes it would be an overkill, but doing so relieves me from a burden of picking length for the declaration. Maximum width will accommodate virtually any dynamic SQL out there. If it has to be merged from several variables, each of them should be declared similarly.


You probably noticed that I declared all dynamic SQL variables as \hbox{\lstinline[columns=fixed]{nvarchar(max)}}. Sometimes it would be an overkill, but doing so relieves me from a burden of picking length for the declaration. Maximum width will accommodate virtually any dynamic SQL out there. If it has to be merged from several variables, each of them should be declared similarly.


You probably noticed that I declared all dynamic SQL variables as \lstinline[columns=fixed,breaklines=false]{nvarchar(max)}. Sometimes it would be an overkill, but doing so relieves me from a burden of picking length for the declaration. Maximum width will accommodate virtually any dynamic SQL out there. If it has to be merged from several variables, each of them should be declared similarly.


You probably noticed that I declared all dynamic SQL variables as \zz{\lstinline[columns=fixed]{nvarchar(max)}}. Sometimes it would be an overkill, but doing so relieves me from a burden of picking length for the declaration. Maximum width will accommodate virtually any dynamic SQL out there. If it has to be merged from several variables, each of them should be declared similarly.

\noindent\textbf{check zz breaking}

 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
 a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a
\lstinline[columns=fixed]{g g g g g g g g g g g g }.

 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
 a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a
\zz{\lstinline[columns=fixed]{g g g g g g g g g g g g }}.

\noindent\textbf{penalty at discretionary}


You probably noticed that I declared all dynamic SQL variables as \lstinline[columns=fixed]{nvarchar(max)}. Sometimes it would be an overkill, but doing so relieves me from a burden of picking length for the declaration. Maximum width will accommodate virtually any dynamic SQL out there. If it has to be merged from several variables, each of them should be declared similarly.

\noindent\textbf{check  breaking with penalty}

 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
 a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a
\lstinline[columns=fixed]{g g g g g g g g g g g g }.





