Tikz 日历:无日移的月份列表

Tikz 日历:无日移的月份列表





[every day/.style={anchor=mid},
every node/.style={inner sep=2pt,rectangle,thick}]
\calendar (cal) [dates=2014-12-01 to 2016-06-last, month list, month label left,
month text=\textcolor{black}{\%mt}, month yshift=1.5em, black!20
\caption{Plan For The Proposed Research}

[every day/.style={anchor=mid},
every node/.style={inner sep=2pt,rectangle,thick}]
[dates=2000-01-01 to 2000-02-last,month label left, 
month text=\textcolor{black}{\%mt}, month yshift=1.5em, black!20,
execute before day scope=
\ifdate{day of month=1} {
% Remember the weekday of first day of month
% Shift downward
execute at begin day scope=
% each day is shifted right according to the day of month
\pgftransformxshift{\pgfcalendarcurrentday em}
% and additionally according to the weekday of the first
%\pgftransformxshift{\the\mycount em}

\caption{Plan For The Proposed Research}





在源代码中,\tikz@lib@cal@month@list@start如果星期五是该月的第一天,则为 5;\pgf@xa是天数之间的距离,因此使用负值校正即可。

        month list'/.style={
            month list,
            execute at begin day scope={
            month label left,
            month yshift=1.5em
        \calendar (cal)[dates=2014-12-01 to 2016-06-last,month list'];
