我正在使用 gregorio 编写一首格里高利圣咏。在那首圣咏中,我想在首字母上方添加两行。不幸的是,在 TeX 文件中,只有一个命令可以在首字母上方生成一行文本。我读到也有支持在首字母上方添加两行的功能,但我没有在任何地方找到分步说明。你们中有人能帮忙吗?
这是 TeX
% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8
% This is a simple template for a LuaLaTeX document using gregorio scores.
\documentclass[11pt]{article} % use larger type; default would be 10pt
% usual packages loading:
\usepackage{graphicx} % support the \includegraphics command and options
\usepackage{geometry} % See geometry.pdf to learn the layout options. There are lots.
\geometry{a5paper} % or letterpaper (US) or a5paper or....
\usepackage{gregoriotex} % for gregorio score inclusion
\usepackage{fullpage} % to reduce the margins
% to change the font to something better, you can install the kpfonts package (if not already installed). To do so
% go open the "TeX Live Manager" in the Menu Start->All Programs->TeX Live 2010
% here we begin the document
% The title:
\begin{center}\begin{huge}\textsc{Rorate caeli}\end{huge}\end{center}
% Here we set the space around the initial.
% Please report to http://home.gna.org/gregorio/gregoriotex/details for more details and options
\setspaceafterinitial{2.2mm plus 0em minus 0em}
\setspacebeforeinitial{2.2mm plus 0em minus 0em}
% Here we set the initial font. Change 43 if you want a bigger initial.
{\fontsize{43}{43}\selectfont #1}%
% We set red lines here, comment it if you want black ones.
% *** This part creates one line above the initial, but I would like to have two...
% ***
% We set VII above the initial.
%\gresetfirstlineaboveinitial{\small \textsc{\textbf{Intr.\newline I}}}{\small \textsc\textbf{Intr.\newline I}}
% ***
% **********************************************************************************
% We type a text in the top right corner of the score:
\commentary{{\small \emph{Is. 45,8}}}
% and finally we include the score. The file must be in the same directory as this one.
gregorio 的源文件在这里:
% !TEX TS-program = gregorio
name:Rorate caeli;
annotation: Intr.;
annotation: I;
(c4)RO(ixcd)-rá(dh'iv)te(h') *(,)cae(hjjh)li(h_g) dé-(hiwj)su(j.ijwkjk)per,(kj..) (;) %
et(f) nu-(ixhih)bes(g) plu-(jjh)ant(h.) ju-(g_f/hGFgf)stum:(f.) (:) %
a-(f)pe(g)ri(h)á(hiwj)tur(g) ter-(fgG'D)ra,(d.) (;) %
et(dfe) gér(fg)mi-(g)net(fgFD.) Sal-(dewf)va(ced)tó(d_e_d_)rem.(d.) <i>Ps.</i>(::) %
Cae-(f)li(gh) en(h)árr(h)ant(h) gló-(hj)ri(h)am(h) De-(hg)i:(g.h.) *(:) %
et(gf) ó(gh)pe-(h)ra(h) má(h)nu-(h)um(h) e-(h)jus(h.) (,) an(h)nún(h)ti-(h)at(hjh) fir(g')ma(g)mén-(ggg)tum(d.) (::) %
Gló-(f)ri(gh)a(h) Pa(h)tri.(h) (::) E(h) u(hjh) o(g') u(f) a(fff) e.(dc/d.f.) (::)
该文件名为 rorate.gabc,gregorio 将把它编译为 rorate.tex。此 rorate.tex 包含在上面的 luaLaTex 文件中。我在 luaLaTeX 文件中标记了允许我在首字母上方创建一行注释的部分。这很好用。但我希望在其上方有两行。
{\small\bfseries\smash{\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}Intr.\\ I\end{tabular}}}
{\small\bfseries\smash{\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}Intr.\\ I\end{tabular}}}