我正在尝试为 SOP 创建自定义类文件。我认为我在使用 fancyhdr 包时遇到了问题,但我不确定原因。
\ProvidesClass{sop}[10/10/2014 article class for standard operating procedures]
% Passes and class options to the underlying article class
% Redefine the page margins
% Modifications to the section titles
% Modification of title block
%%% Drop before title
%%% Define the internal variable \@title to be the supplied data
\def\@title{\@sopchaptertitle\ \@sopchapternumber}}
%%% No author field, so \maketitlehookb gobbles what comes after it
%%% No date field, so \maketitlehookc gobbles what comes after it
%%% Formatting the title
%%% Space after the title
%%% The rest of the class
% For "Page N of M" and header/footer constructioe
% For easier construction of page headers/footers
\fancypagestyle{plain}{ % for first page
SOP- \thesopchapternumber \ Page \thepage{} of \pageref*{LastPage}
REV \therevision,\ \therevisionMMYY
\pagestyle{fancy} % for other pages
SOP-\thesopchapternumber \ Page \thepage{} of \pageref*{LastPage}
REV \therevision,\ \therevisionMMYY
% For easier customization of itemized, enumerated, and other lists
% For hyperlinked cross-references
% Ensure first page is correct style
这是一个基本的 Tex 文件,我正在尝试用它来编译它,只是为了让它工作。
% SOP Standard Form Data
\sopchaptertitle{john doe PROCEDURE}
%...more of the above
%Here begins the actual document
\section{Main Title}
\section{Purpose and Discussion}
%...more of the above...
您的 MWE 中有几件事需要修复:
(请参阅LaTeX Wikibook:计数器)。正如@cfr 提到的,如果您使用了\newcounter{sopchapternumber}
此外,如果这些 SOP 是基于章节的,我会考虑以章节为基础或以章节为基础来设计课程report
修正后的 MWE:
\sopchaptertitle{john doe PROCEDURE}
\revision{Some Revision}
\revisionMMYY{Some Month, Some Year}
\section{Main Title}
\section{Purpose and Discussion}
\ProvidesClass{sop}[2014/10/10 article class for standard operating procedures]
% Redefine the page margins
% Modifications to the section titles
% Modification of title block
%%% Drop before title
%%% Define the internal variable \@title to be the supplied data
\def\@title{\@sopchaptertitle\ \@sopchapternumber}}
%%% No author field, so \maketitlehookb gobbles what comes after it
%%% No date field, so \maketitlehookc gobbles what comes after it
%%% Formatting the title
%%% Space after the title
%%% The rest of the class
% For "Page N of M" and header/footer constructioe
% For easier construction of page headers/footers
\fancypagestyle{plain}{ % for first page
SOP- \@sopchapternumber \ Page \thepage{} of \pageref*{LastPage}
REV \@revision{},\ \@revisionMMYY
\pagestyle{fancy} % for other pages
SOP-\@sopchapternumber \ Page \thepage{} of \pageref*{LastPage}
REV \@revision{},\ \@revisionMMYY
% For easier customization of itemized, enumerated, and other lists
% For hyperlinked cross-references
% Ensure first page is correct style