TikZ 和 tikzorbital:背景和标题填充宽度对应关系

TikZ 和 tikzorbital:背景和标题填充宽度对应关系

当前的问题与我的另一个问题相关,TikZ 和 tikzorbital:背景问题在上一个问题中,层的问题已经确定:


我所需要的只是填充矩形宽度变为\columnwidth。如果您感兴趣,为什么我需要它,我使用填充的标题,我需要展位图片填充宽度和标题填充宽度变为\columnwidth。但是您不需要在 MWE 中创建填充的标题:使用文本作为测量值。



\usepackage{tcolorbox}% no need in this mwe
\usepackage[font=small]{caption}% no need in this mwe
\usepackage{float}% no need in this mwe
\usepackage{floatflt}% no need in this mwe



\oddsidemargin=-10.4mm  %     
\evensidemargin=-20.4mm %
\topmargin=-24mm        %
\textwidth=190mm        %
\textheight=275mm       %
\headheight = 5mm      %
\headsep = 4mm
\footskip = 8mm



  \begin{scope}[font=\itshape]% to not type it every time, but better go for math mode
  \draw[-latex] (0,0)--(1,0) node[above]{x};
  \draw[-latex] (0,0)--(-0.5,-0.7) node[above]{y};
  \draw[-latex] (0,0)--(0,1) node[above]{z};
  \orbital[pos = {(0,0)}]{py}
  \node[above] at (0.7,0.7) {p$_x$};

  \draw[-latex] (3,0)--(4,0) node[above]{x};
  \draw[-latex] (3,0)--(2.5,-0.7) node[above]{y};
  \draw[-latex] (3,0)--(3,1) node[above]{z};
  \orbital[pos = {(3,0)}]{px} 
  \node[above] at (3.7,0.7) {p$_y$};

  \draw[-latex] (6,0)--(7,0) node[above]{x};
  \draw[-latex] (6,0)--(5.5,-0.7) node[above]{y};
  \draw[-latex] (6,0)--(6,1) node[above]{z};
  \orbital[pos = {(6,0)}]{pz}
  \node[above] at (6.7,0.7) {p$_z$};

  % correctly setting the background layer
  \fill[LightBlue1](current bounding box.south west)rectangle
  (current bounding box.north east);
  \caption{This is the test of the caption} \end{figure}




您可以添加一个带有 的虚拟节点来minimum width=\columnwidth填充整个列。同样,将标题括在节点内并进行一些调整。另一方面,如果您正在加载caption包,您也可以使用\captionof宏。


\usepackage{tcolorbox}% no need in this mwe
\usepackage[font=small]{caption}% no need in this mwe
\usepackage{float}% no need in this mwe
\usepackage{floatflt}% no need in this mwe



\oddsidemargin=-10.4mm  %
\evensidemargin=-20.4mm %
\topmargin=-24mm        %
\textwidth=190mm        %
\textheight=275mm       %
\headheight = 5mm      %
\headsep = 4mm
\footskip = 8mm



  \begin{scope}[font=\itshape]% to not type it every time, but better go for math mode
  \draw[-latex] (0,0)--(1,0) node[above]{x};
  \draw[-latex] (0,0)--(-0.5,-0.7) node[above]{y};
  \draw[-latex] (0,0)--(0,1) node[above]{z};
  \orbital[pos = {(0,0)}]{py}
  \node[above] at (0.7,0.7) {p$_x$};

  \draw[-latex] (3,0)--(4,0) node[above]{x};
  \draw[-latex] (3,0)--(2.5,-0.7) node[above]{y};
  \draw[-latex] (3,0)--(3,1) node[above]{z};
  \orbital[pos = {(3,0)}]{px}
  \node[above] at (3.7,0.7) {p$_y$};

  \draw[-latex] (6,0)--(7,0) node[above]{x};
  \draw[-latex] (6,0)--(5.5,-0.7) node[above]{y};
  \draw[-latex] (6,0)--(6,1) node[above]{z};
  \orbital[pos = {(6,0)}]{pz}
  \node[above] at (6.7,0.7) {p$_z$};
  \node[minimum width=\columnwidth] at (current bounding box.center){};   %% this node is dummy

  % correctly setting the background layer
  \fill[LightBlue1](current bounding box.south west)rectangle
  (current bounding box.north east);
  \tikz[baseline=1ex]\node[text width=\columnwidth,fill=LightBlue1,text height=-2ex,inner sep=0pt]{\caption{This is the test of the caption This is the test of the caption This is the test of the caption}};   %% caption inside a node.



