在包含虚线条目的参考书目中,我希望J. Lennon
和等变体John Lennon
表现为相同的名称。换句话说,后一个条目应该是虚线。我尝试通过SHORTAUTHOR = "John Lennon", SORTNAME = "John Lennon"
在条目中设置来强制执行此操作J. Lennon
\usepackage[style = authoryear-comp, dashed = true, sorting = nyt]{biblatex}
AUTHOR = "J. Lennon",
TITLE = "My life with the Beatles",
YEAR = "1970",
SHORTAUTHOR = "John Lennon",
SORTNAME = "John Lennon"}
AUTHOR = "John Lennon",
TITLE = "Moving on",
YEAR = "1971"}
正如 PLK 在评论中所建议的,您可以使用源映射将某些名称形式替换为另一个标准化名称,而无需更改您的 bib 文件。
\usepackage[style = authoryear-comp, dashed = true, sorting = nyt]{biblatex}
AUTHOR = "J. Lennon",
TITLE = "My life with the Beatles",
YEAR = "1970"}
AUTHOR = "John Lennon",
TITLE = "Moving on",
YEAR = "1971"}
match={J. Lennon},
replace={John Lennon}]