我需要绘制几个费曼图,我发现 feyn 包非常适合这个目的。我使用 MiKTeX 来编译 tex 文件。问题是,对于一些奇怪的为什么它不接受 11 pt 字体大小?我说奇怪的,因为 10pt 和 12pt 版本是完全可执行的,并且它们与 11pt 模块之间的差异仅在于一些参数的值(箭头宽度、循环半径等),这不应该导致任何编译问题......
! I can't find file `cmr11'.
l.33 input cmr11
;^^I^^I^^I% ...but miss out the `generate roman'
Please type another input file name
! Emergency stop.
l.33 input cmr11
;^^I^^I^^I% ...but miss out the `generate roman'
Transcript written on feyn11.log.
miktex-maketfm.exe: Windows API error 2: The system cannot find the file specified.
miktex-maketfm.exe: Data: feyn11.tfm
! Font OMS/feyn/m/n/10.95=feyn11 at 10.95pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not
<to be read again>
l.99 \setbox0=\hbox{$\FeynSpaceChar$}
下面是一个字体大小为 12pt(有效)的示例:
\documentclass [12pt]{article}
$\Diagram{ fdA & & fuA \\ & g & \\ fuA && fdA }$
% Feynman diagram font, 11pt display size, release 0.3.3, 2009 October 8.
% Copyright 1991, 1994, 2001, Norman Gray <[email protected]>
% Mercurial revision 204fc9a2e560, 2009-10-08 12:56 +0100
font_identifier "FEYN"; font_size 11pt#;
% First the base size
module# := 11pt#;
% phfudge is ... what?!
phfudge# := 0pt#; % must be, for \Diagram macro
linewidth# := 0.85pt#; % pen width
thinlinewidth# := 0.55pt#; % thin pen
bigarrow# := 6.5pt#; % size of arrows
littlearrow# := 4.5pt#;
blobr# := 7pt#; % radius of blobs and crosses
on_math_axis := 1;
% We want the roman digits from the corresponding cmr font, and that's
% all. Therefore, we don't want to obey the `generate' command in
% cmr??.mf. To do this, we read in cmbase, and then set generate to
% gobble its argument.
def gobble primary g=enddef; % gobbles its argument
input cmbase; % Read it explicitly, rather than
% implicitly within cmr10
let generate=gobble;
input cmr11; % ...but miss out the `generate roman'
% To business....
input feyn;
有不 cmr11.mf
文件是 Computer Modern 字体标准发行版中的文件,因此在此文件上运行 Metafont 将导致错误
! I can't find file `cmr11'.
l.33 input cmr11
也安装了该包,它可以提供 Computer Modern 字体分发中的文件的插值版本。
对于 MiKTeX,该软件包列在http://miktex.org/packages/sauter因此可以使用向导进行安装。对于 TeX Live 来说
tlmgr install sauter