\newchapter{} 论文格式中出现奇怪的“无行结束错误”

\newchapter{} 论文格式中出现奇怪的“无行结束错误”

我正在使用我所在大学的文档类 {urithesis},我收到了一些似乎无法清除的奇怪错误 - 我希望有人可能有过类似问题的经验。


! LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.33 \newchapter{chapter1}
Your command was ignored.
Type I <command> <return> to replace it with another command,
or <return> to continue without it.

相当标准的错误。我寻找常见的罪魁祸首(\、\newlines 等),但找不到原因。


%% See http://www.ele.uri.edu/info/thesis/guide for details.

%% This makes the pdf file contain active links for all references,
%% urls, the table of contents, etc., and creates a pdf menu.
\usepackage[pdfborder={0 0 0},plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels]{hyperref}

%% This should be the title of this dissertation/thesis.
\title{GPS Spoofing Detection and using Multiple Antennas and Individual Space Vehicle      Pseudoranges}
%% This should be the author of this dissertation/thesis.
\author{Go Bears}
%% This is the name of the .bib files that holds all of your references.
%% It can be a comma separated list if there is more than one file.
%% These are the names of the .tex files which hold the
%% respective section of the thesis.  If one of these sections
%% is not included, comment out the corresponding line.
%% Include the chapters.

%% Include any appendices.

%% Include any references which should appear in the bibliography,
%% but are not explicitly referenced in the thesis.


再次强调,非常直接。第 1 章写道:

This thesis is an extension to reference 1 where we conduct an analysis of the a study of the 2-Antenna problem, delve a little deeper into the mechanics of the simulations, and present some additional results.

无论我使用哪一章(有些章节比第 1 章更复杂),都会出现此错误。我怀疑文档类中有些内容要求换行,但我对 Tex 不是很熟悉。有什么想法吗?






是罪魁祸首。不确定为什么或如何 - 我会改天再研究一下,我没有浪费 2 个小时尝试编译,但删除声明会消除我的错误。


并感谢@David Carlisle 的评论。
