sn edges/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,align=center,base=top},
where n children=0{tier=word}{}
% auxiliary nodes without node label
empty nodes/.style={
delay={where content={}{shape=coordinate,for parent={for children={anchor=north}}}{}}}
sn edges,empty nodes
[{} [XP]]
[C$'$ [{} [C$^0$]]
[IP [{} [XP]]
[{} [I$^0$]]]]]]
SpecCP & C0 & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{IP (without I0, V0)} & V0, I0\\
prefield & left SB & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{middlefield} & right SB\\\cline{3-4}
& & SpecIP & phrases inside & \\
& & subject position & the VP &\\\hline
\caption{\label{Abb-GB-Topo}CP, IP and VP and the topological model of German}
第一个图形是用 pstricks 或多或少手工完成的,我想知道是否有更好的方法来确保 XP 位于单元格 SpecCP 和 SpecIP 上方的中间,并且三角形即将在单元格处结束Phrasen innerhalb der VP
根据 cfr 的建议,我开始使用以下代码:
sn edges/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,align=center,base=top}},
terminus/.style={tier=word, for tree={fit=band}, for descendants={no path, align=left, l sep=0pt}},
empty nodes/.style={
delay={where content={}{shape=coordinate,for parent={for children={anchor=north}}}{}}},
no path/.style={edge path={}},
set me left/.style={calign with current edge, child anchor=north west, for parent={parent anchor=south west}},
sn edges,empty nodes
[SpecCP\\prefield, name=prefield
[C$^0$, terminus
[C0\\left SB
[XP, terminus
[{IP (without I0, V0)\\middlefield}, name=middlefield
[SpecIP\\subject position, set me left, name=subject
[phrases inside\\the VP, name=insidevp
[VP, name=vp
[V$^0$, name=v0, terminus, no path
[{V0, I0\\right SB}, name=p2
[I$^0$, terminus
% these are the table borders at the top and at the bottom
\draw [thick]
(prefield.north west) -- (p2.north east)
(prefield.west |- insidevp.south) -- (p2.east |- insidevp.south);
% the horizontal line in the middle
% for reasons I do not understand, the middlefield node does not extend over the `phrases
% inside VP' node.
%(middlefield.south west) -- (middlefield.south east)
(subject.north west) -- (insidevp.north east)
(vp.south) -- (v0.center -| insidevp.west) -- (v0.west)
(v0.east) -- +(2.5pt,0) -- (vp.south)
\caption{\label{Abb-GB-Topo}CP, IP and VP and the topological model of German}
我用更能说明问题的节点名替换了 p1-p3,middlefield
并画了一条更短的线来标记中场区域。我尝试这样做,(middlefield.south west) -- (middlefield.south east)
但不知何故这不起作用。虽然中场节点主导了 SpecIP 的节点和 VP 内的短语,但这条线太短了。
还有一个问题:V0 和 I0 是右句子括号的一部分,也就是说,这两个节点应该主导 V0 和 I0 的解释节点。我认为实现这一点的最简单方法可能是将右 SB 的节点向右移动,使其位于 I0 下方。但也许有更好的方法。
至于垂直线,我必须在预场、左 SB 和右 SB 下方引入假节点,并将它们的右南角连接到上方节点的右北角,不是吗?
以下是我尝试过的,但是中场节点太短,并且第二条垂直线不在左 SB 和中场节点的中间,而是更靠近中场节点,因为我参考了后者节点的坐标。
sn edges/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,align=center,base=top}},
terminus/.style={tier=word, for tree={fit=band}, for descendants={no path, align=left, l sep=0pt}},
empty nodes/.style={
delay={where content={}{shape=coordinate,for parent={for children={anchor=north}}}{}}},
no path/.style={edge path={}},
set me left/.style={calign with current edge, child anchor=north west, for parent={parent anchor=south west}},
sn edges,empty nodes
[SpecCP\\prefield, name=prefield
[C$^0$, terminus
[C0\\left SB,name=leftSB
[XP, terminus
[{IP (without I0, V0)\\middlefield}, name=middlefield
[SpecIP\\subject position, set me left, name=subject
[phrases inside\\the VP, name=insidevp
[VP, name=vp
[V$^0$, name=v0, terminus, no path
[{V0, I0\\right SB}, name=rightSB
[I$^0$, terminus
% these are the table borders at the top and at the bottom
\draw [thick]
(prefield.north west) -- (rightSB.north east)
(prefield.west |- insidevp.south) -- (rightSB.east |- insidevp.south);
% the horizontal line in the middle
% for reasons I do not understand, the middlefield node does not extend over the `phrases
% inside VP' node.
%(middlefield.south west) -- (middlefield.south east)
(subject.north west) -- (insidevp.north east)
%vertical lines
(prefield.north east) -- (prefield.south east)
(middlefield.north west) -- (subject.south west)
(middlefield.north east) -- (insidevp.south east)
(vp.south) -- (v0.center -| insidevp.west) -- (v0.west)
(v0.east) -- +(2.5pt,0) -- (vp.south)
\caption{\label{Abb-GB-Topo}CP, IP and VP and the topological model of German}
这实现了 ajeh 在评论中提出的建议。
sn edges/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,align=center,base=top}},
terminus/.style={tier=word, for children={tier=tabular}, for tree={fit=band}, for descendants={no path, align=left, l sep=0pt}},
empty nodes/.style={
delay={where content={}{shape=coordinate,for parent={for children={anchor=north}}}{}}},
no path/.style={edge path={}},
set me left/.style={calign with current edge, child anchor=north west, for parent={parent anchor=south west}},
sn edges,empty nodes
[SpecCP\\prefield, name=p1
[C$^0$, terminus
[C0\\left SB, name=c0
[XP, terminus
[{IP (without I0, V0)\\middlefield}
[SpecIP\\subject position, set me left, name=specip
[phrases inside\\the VP, name=p3
[VP, name=vp
[V$^0$, name=v0, terminus, no path, anchor=east
[{V0, I0\\right SB}, name=p2, set me left
[I$^0$, terminus, name=io
\draw [thick]
(p1.north west) rectangle (io.east |- p3.south);
($(c0.north east)!1/2!(specip.west |- c0.north east)$) coordinate (p6) -- (p6 |- p3.south)
($(p1.north east)!1/2!(c0.north west)$) coordinate (p4) -- (p3.south -| p4)
($(specip.north east)!1/2!(p3.north west)$) coordinate (p5) -- (p3.south -| p5)
($(p2.north west)!1/2!(p2.north west -| p3.east)$) coordinate (p7) -- (p3.south -| p7)
(p6 |- p2.south) -- (p2.south -| p7)
(vp.south) -- (v0.center -| p3.west) -- (v0.west)
(v0.east) -- +(2.5pt,0) -- (vp.south)
\caption{\label{Abb-GB-Topo}CP, IP and VP and the topological model of German}
(a |- b)
sn edges/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,align=center,base=top}},
terminus/.style={tier=word, for tree={fit=band}, for descendants={no path, align=left, l sep=0pt}},
empty nodes/.style={
delay={where content={}{shape=coordinate,for parent={for children={anchor=north}}}{}}},
no path/.style={edge path={}},
set me left/.style={calign with current edge, child anchor=north west, for parent={parent anchor=south west}},
sn edges,empty nodes
[SpecCP\\prefield, name=p1
[C$^0$, terminus
[C0\\left SB
[XP, terminus
[{IP (without I0, V0)\\middlefield}
[SpecIP\\subject position, set me left
[phrases inside\\the VP, name=p3
[VP, name=vp
[V$^0$, name=v0, terminus, no path
[{V0, I0\\right SB}, name=p2
[I$^0$, terminus
\draw [thick]
(p1.north west) -- (p2.north east)
(p1.west |- p3.south) -- (p2.east |- p3.south);
(p1.south west) -- (p2.south east)
(vp.south) -- (v0.center -| p3.west) -- (v0.west)
(v0.east) -- +(2.5pt,0) -- (vp.south)
\caption{\label{Abb-GB-Topo}CP, IP and VP and the topological model of German}