calc 与森林的一些样式不兼容

calc 与森林的一些样式不兼容


这就是我所拥有的。LaTeX 抱怨 GenericError...



% to be able to do funny calculations for coordinates.
% used for the table explaining the topological model below the CP/IP/VP tree

% specification for all trees
\forestset{.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,align=center,base=top}}}

% The following code fixes the size of triangles for examples with translations. The specification
% ",delay=with translation" at the leaves is important to make this work.
  with translation/.style={
    l sep=0,inner xsep=0,
    append translation/.expanded/.wrap pgfmath arg={\gettranslation{##1}}{content},
    content/.expanded/.wrap pgfmath arg={\gettext{##1}}{content},
  append translation/.style={append={[#1,no edge,l=0,inner xsep=0,inner ysep=0,outer ysep=0,before computing xy={l-=2pt}]}}


% a specific style that specifies the word tier: all nodes that do not have any children
% to do: make this style default and change all other figures explicitely as is described here:
sn edges/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,align=center,base=top},
                 where n children=0{tier=word,delay=with translation}{} 
% auxiliary nodes without node label
empty nodes/.style={
  delay={where content={}{shape=coordinate,for parent={for children={anchor=north}}}{}}}

  terminus/.style={tier=word, for tree={fit=band}, for descendants={no path, align=left, l sep=0pt}},
  no path/.style={edge path={}},
  set me left/.style={calign with current edge, child anchor=north west, for parent={parent anchor=south west}},



        sn edges,empty nodes
              [SpecCP\\prefield, name=p1
                  [C$^0$, terminus
                    [C0\\left SB, name=c0
                    [XP, terminus
                      [{IP (without I0, V0)\\middlefield}
                        [SpecIP\\subject position, set me left, name=specip
                        [phrases inside\\the VP, name=p3
                          [VP, name=vp
                            [V$^0$, name=v0, terminus, no path, anchor=east
                              [{V0, I0\\right SB}, name=p2, set me left
                                [I$^0$, terminus, name=io
        \draw [thick]
          (p1.north west) rectangle (io.east |- p3.south);
          ($(c0.north east)!1/2!(specip.west |- c0.north east)$) coordinate (p6) -- (p6 |- p3.south)
          ($(p1.north east)!1/2!(c0.north west)$) coordinate (p4) -- (p3.south -| p4)
          ($(specip.north east)!1/2!(p3.north west)$) coordinate (p5) -- (p3.south -| p5)
          ($(p2.north west)!1/2!(p2.north west -| p3.east)$) coordinate (p7) -- (p3.south -| p7)
          (p6 |- p2.south) -- (p2.south -| p7)
          (vp.south) -- ( -| p3.west) -- (v0.west)
          (v0.east) -- +(4.5pt,0) -- (vp.south)
    \caption{\label{Abb-GB-Topo}CP, IP and VP and the topological model of German}



我认为,问题在于您实际上并不想with translation将其应用于构成表格的节点。因此,您用于翻译的代码假设具有 0 个子节点的节点是正确的应用节点,with translation但这是行不通的。您需要将其应用于标记terminus为表格之前的最终节点的节点。


  • 具有翻译但没有表格的树 - 在这里我们希望在子节点数量为 0 时应用翻译内容,以避免必须自己标记终端节点;
  • 有表格但没有翻译的树;
  • 带有翻译和表格的树 - 在这里我们希望将翻译内容应用到标记的节点,terminus因为具有 0 个子节点的节点实际上可能是表格的一部分;
  • 用于\trace


  • 没有表格的树:sn edges, no tabular启动树时使用。
  • 用途\trace:将trace样式添加到相关节点。
  • 带表格的树:在启动树时单独使用,并使用除非如上所述使用,否则sn edges标记树部分的终端节点。(由于当前所有内容均已定义,因此您不能在跟踪节点下方有表格单元。)terminustrace

您不能在将要应用的\trace节点中使用with translation,并且不能允许将其with translation应用于应作为表格一部分的节点。


  sn edges/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,align=center,base=top}},
  no tabular/.style={sn edges, for tree={where n children=0{tier=word, delay=with translation}{}}},
    replace by={[\trace, delay={}, tier=word]}
    delay=with translation,
    for children={
    for tree={
    for descendants={
      no path,
      l sep=0pt,
  empty nodes/.style={
    delay={where content={}{shape=coordinate,for parent={for children={anchor=north}}}{}}},
  no path/.style={edge path={}},
  set me left/.style={calign with current edge, child anchor=north west, for parent={parent anchor=south west}},
  with translation/.style={
    l sep=0,
    inner xsep=0,
    append translation/.expanded/.wrap pgfmath arg={\gettranslation{##1}}{content},
    content/.expanded/.wrap pgfmath arg={\gettext{##1}}{content},
  append translation/.style={
        no edge,
        inner xsep=0,
        inner ysep=0,
        outer ysep=0,
        before computing xy={




    sn edges, no tabular
      [Det [eine;a] ]
        [A [kluge;smart] ]
          [N [, trace ] ] ] ] ]
    sn edges
        [eine;a, terminus
          [tab1, name=p1]
          [kluge;smart, terminus
            [tab2, name=p2
            [, trace
      (p1.north west) rectangle (p2.south east)
      ($(p1.north east)!1/2!(p2.north west)$) coordinate (p3) -- (p3 |- p2.south);

      sn edges, empty nodes
            [SpecCP\\prefield, name=p1
                [C$^0$, terminus
                  [C0\\left SB, name=c0
                  [XP, terminus
                    [{IP (without I0, V0)\\middlefield}
                      [SpecIP\\subject position, set me left, name=specip
                      [phrases inside\\the VP, name=p3
                        [VP, name=vp
                          [V$^0$, name=v0, terminus, no path, anchor=east
                            [{V0, I0\\right SB}, name=p2, set me left
                              [I$^0$, terminus, name=io
      \draw [thick]
        (p1.north west) rectangle (io.east |- p3.south);
        ($(c0.north east)!1/2!(specip.west |- c0.north east)$) coordinate (p6) -- (p6 |- p3.south)
        ($(p1.north east)!1/2!(c0.north west)$) coordinate (p4) -- (p3.south -| p4)
        ($(specip.north east)!1/2!(p3.north west)$) coordinate (p5) -- (p3.south -| p5)
        ($(p2.north west)!1/2!(p2.north west -| p3.east)$) coordinate (p7) -- (p3.south -| p7)
        (p6 |- p2.south) -- (p2.south -| p7)
        (vp.south) -- ( -| p3.west) -- (v0.west)
        (v0.east) -- +(4.5pt,0) -- (vp.south)


